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RE: The Humming of Bees and Lavender Tales

Woe is me. I am actually allergic to lavender. I wonder if the edelweiss lavender wold be different. That said ... I love wine from Provence, which has hints of lavender in its palette.

Smoke from Canada you say ... I wonder if I should suggest the governments simply put them out. We spend so much on fighting wars overseas ... perhaps a few water-bombers at home might be in order. In addition to some planned burns ... fire is a natural part of the renewal of an ecosystem after all. Don't get me started on the narrative pushers when we could be talking about French wine instead. Love you, Denise.


That is such a rare allergy! I am not sure about the Edelweiss, but, I am going to guess it has the same properties. Oh, yes, please. Wine from Provence? I would love some.

You know, my relatives are out in California. Lived there their entire life. Growing up, they had fires now and then. Now, every year, they have massive burns, to the point, they had to buy an RV in case the fire takes their house... they need an escape route, a place to live for a while... and perhaps for longer than a while. We never used to have this problem, but, nature was allowed to run its course, small fires burned and went out themselves. We didn't let everything dry up and blow away, waiting for the next tossed cigarette as a plan.

Provence! I like the idea of doing all things Provence-ial for a bit. Let's just do it! !LUV you, Pryde!

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