in Market Friday11 months ago

The affordable clip type earbud for workout with pros and cons


I am a big fan of clip type headphones as they are very comfortable to use and for some reason earbuds do not fit tight on my ear. I am not sure if anyone else face this issue, but I have tried few earbuds and it just does not hold tight. I fell in love with Sony MDR-Q22 and still have that, but then its impossible to get the foams for them. Last time I bought Panasonic RP-HZ47-K Wired Over Ear Headphone, posted about it here as well in this post.

Panasonic RP-HZ47-K.jpg

But after few months of usage I have the same problem - the foams have teared and I cannot get it anywhere. I even went to the extent of asking Crysendo to produce that sized foam !! So in search of a perfect clip type headphone we ended finding out clip type earbuds, because clip type headphones seems to be things of past. And thanks to my son, who helped me to find out this HAMMER KO 2.0 EARBUD, after some research ( Kids are way ahead than us in these matters it seems).





The first step before using the device is to charge - as you can see the charging happens to the base case with the earbuds being kept in it.



So it comes with a six months warranty, which is mandatory to register within seven days. They have got a nice trick of extending the warranty for two more months, by following them on Instagram - a niche marketing to extend the user base and advertise their product. After we followed the step, they gave us a code and said to retain it to use after six months :)

Now let's look at it's features :





That's a lot of them, isn't it ? Short touch, Long touch, one click - honestly I am neither a big fan of doing these nor even familiar. I am good with just taking them out of the case and wear - it automatically starts connecting to the phone and pair up. One day I was wearing them and my son came nearby speaking something and I stopped the player from phone. He was laughing at me - why don't you short touch the earbud !! I forgot where to touch😀. Now look at who else also loved it.



A little music for his walk when I am in my native - he liked it. It works perfectly fine without any issue. However, if you by mistake short touch, then its paused. Now coming to the real performance of the earbud when running, I have been using it for almost a month. And I have observed that at times, one of the earbud stops working when I am running and heavily sweated. I have tried to power off, and power on , but it does not help. It happened on day three and I was heartbroken thinking that its defective. But after I put it back on the case and took it again, it worked normally. Their manual does say something about it as you can see (see the point Two Earbuds paired to each other) - but its too much for me to try - I even did not understand what that double-press means. They even have a thrice press 🙃 - I am sure young kids can handle this.

Overall, I am happy with the product, because this is really a unique model in affordable budget. I usually love loud music with high bass but that is the only missing piece - you really cannot have high bass like on ear headphones. You can install their app and use the equalizers with some better effect but still it won't match on ear headphones. It's still easy to manage them from their app, it automatically connects the earbuds. My son used his intellectual money saving skill ( I wonder how he got this skill - it really saves us a lot) and managed to grab some extra coupons / codes to buy from their site in just 2000/- , cheaper than any other place. And you don't get a lot of clip earbuds (try search in google and see it yourself) , but given that they are designed to ensure comfort and stability when wearing for workout or sports , this is a niche product. Hope this post helps you to decide if you are planning to buy an earbud for your workout. And if you are like me, then just don't touch 🙂 - wear it, listen and keep it back on the case and recharge may be once in a week.

A post for #MarketFriday initiative by @dswigle



copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.


These look cool but I don´t like headphones or earbuds in general. I hate the feeling of not being able to hear the sounds around me and it´s also dangerous, many accidents have been caused because someone was wearing headphones and didn´t hear a car approaching etc...

Btw is the 6 month warranty common in your country? Here in EU, the warranty is 2 years on everything you buy. It´s the law.

@tipu curate

I don´t like headphones or earbuds in general

Same here, but then putting the phone speaker on does not sound ideal as well. If you remember, last time my accident in the cycle was because of that Panasonic headphone :) So what you said is absolutely right - it is very dangerous unless you are walking or running at a place where no vehicle movement is happening. Since I am doing the workouts inside our society park (though small), its ok. When I go for a cycle ride, I keep it in the Car - never ever doing the same mistake.

Here in EU, the warranty is 2 years on everything you buy. It´s the law.

That's nice, at least it will ensure quality. Some products here come with just 3 months warranty.

Yeah, I remember you wrote about such accident yourself too. I just was not sure if that happened to you or someone in your family / friends. What you say about using headphones in safe places like parks is true but I would still feel uncomfortable not being able to hear what´s happening around me. To me, it kind of feels like being deaf :) I like to listen to music too but I only do it where I can have the speaker on and where I don´t bother anyone with is, so pretty much just at home :D

A very necessary and useful accessory. Thank you for sharing


I can definitely see how clip-type earbuds would be more comfortable for people who have trouble with earbuds staying in their ears. And the fact that these earbuds come with a warranty and a two-month extension for following them on Instagram is a nice touch.

I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced some issues with one of the earbuds not working properly when you're running and sweating. It sounds like you've tried restarting the earbuds, but that hasn't solved the problem. The manual does mention that the earbuds may disconnect if they get too wet, so it's possible that this is the issue you're experiencing.

I'm glad to hear that you overall enjoyed the product, even though you had some minor issues with it.

I am happy that you are happy with this product. By the way this is quite strange thing for me and also a nice trick that by following them on Instagram they will extend the warranty time period. It's nice one hehehe

Hello dear friend @sanjeevm good afternoon
It's good that your son knew about these headphones, and he was able to access them at a very convenient price.
I appreciate you sharing this experience.
enjoy the device a lot

Ya, its worth the money.

The fact that they provide superior sound quality and a comfortable fit is definitely a game-changer.

Especially in the budget range, they are probably the best now.

Yes. I am only concerned about their after services.

I also like to use it but I also faced same issue. It do not fit my ear tightly. That's why I don't use them.

This works fine, holding tight on the ear with the clips.

At the end it really seems to have a lot of pros that will be worth considering

Ya, especially in the price range.

😊😎👍 Lookin good! Yea, who has time to learn and remember all those presses!

Just work.. that's all it needs..

Most of the time it works well. Only if I run fast, then one of them gets disconnected, may be the master disowns the slave 😁

😂🤣 yea

friend if you like it and the headset model works well for you it is always great to get good products and the best is at an excellent price

I totally love earphones but the problem comes when they do not fit properly in my ear.

This came with a 6 month warranty; it shows how durable it is. Not many of them come with warranties.

The earbuds are good but the design would have been great if it was a little different.

but the design would have been great if it was a little different.

Like ? This is more for workout so that it won't fall.

Yes, there is no doubt that it is great for workout.

I admit, earbuds are painful to my ears due to infection. I prefer the headphones like you.

It looks very attractive. It's nice to see that you're so happy with it, but it would be even better if the product was good.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, the way we are seeing that its advantages are more and we should also look at things in life in the same way. Because loss and risk it has is also within everything.

Just like you, I prefer the headphone because ear buds is uncomfortable for me.

I’ve been in the market for some new headphones after my last ones died. I’ve had to go back to wired for a bit but I’ll check these out. Thanks for the review!

I am an anti-headphone sort of gal, for all the regular reasons. I live in a very safe area, but, I still do not like the feeling of not hearing what is coming up behind me, (or not hearing in general) or people talking to me. On top of that, it can be dangerous and alarming to anyone trying to get your attention for something. In the city, you really take your life into your own hands when walking around with them on.

My earbuds don't fit well in my ears. Not any particular brand, just earbuds in general. I sometimes use the Bluetooth ones when I am sitting at my desk working, but, it feels weird to not hear, even when I am at home. I am wired to hear all the sounds in my house. I think that comes with raising children. So 90% of the time, I don't use them. I know what you are thinking, it would be that 10% of the time that something makes noise, and I didn't hear it. Problem solved. I won't wear them. LOL

As for your review, I think it was a good and fair review. :) While I don't have any problems with the devices I have, my mom and dad had problems with their smartphones and television apps, and the like. I did a series of little videos so they didn't get frustrated and they used them. Thank you for the review! I was surprised at such a short warranty period. Is that normal there?

Be careful when using them, people get in accidents all the time with them.

Please drop your link on my post. Thank you in advance!

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it can be dangerous and alarming to anyone trying to get your attention for something

That's true, even I myself was lucky to survive a near death experience because of wearing a headphone. So I only wear when I am walking inside the society, where it's safe. I usually don't like earbuds, and instead prefer a clip type headphone on ear so that you can listen other sound, but they seems to be things of past, at least in India.

I'm glad you found a better ear phone. It's more affordable. Even though the sound isn't as good as the old one, at least you liked it.

Budget is another important parameter :)

Your information is excellent for when we decide to buy headphones because we need them comfortable for those of us who like to train with sports activities at some point

I really like this type of headphones because of the sound and quality.

The son changed a lot of wireless headphones and settled on Honor

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