How about some BEER for Market Friday?

Would you believe.... it is #marketfriday once again, peeps!!! Where did my week go??? And how was it that pre-pandemic days went slower??

I hope you are all doing well! Are you ready for some beer?

In my local food store, they have beer galore and so many types, brands and varieties. And do you know why?

Did you know that beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea? Well, I didn't!

So I thought of showing you photos of beer from my local store.

Goodness gracious, so much selection of beer!

Do you see any of your favorite beers in these photos?

And it took me forever to take individual photos plus almost eternity to consolidate the photos together in three frames so that you won't have to be scrolling down (needlessly) and endlessly.

Seriously... there are a ton of beer available! So on the last frame, I just decided to take a photo of one section of the beer aisle, LOL!

In case you are wondering which are the best-selling Beers in America (2019), check out the chart below!
Source of Chart
I am not a beer drinker, and I do not know much about them. But I always have beer in my pantry. These are what I currently have... mostly locally brewed and crafted beer. What do you think of my beer selection?

Thank you Denise for the opportunity to your tag.

😍 #ilikeitalot!😍



Thank you for stopping by to view this article.

I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses 🤗💕💋!!!!


@silversaver888 is a proud member of #silvergoldstackers and the #ladiesofsgs4eva

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

@silversaver888 enjoys being part of:

Shadow Hunters by @melinda010100

Wednesday Walk of @tattoodjay

Market Friday of @dswigle


My California of @thesocalhive

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Feel Good Community of @barbara-orenya


#MarketFriday was initiated and hosted by @dswigle (Denise). Let us to join her and many others as we share different markets across the globe.


Hope to see you in the chat tomorrow.Amazing post! What an effort @silversaver888. I love some of the artwork on those craft brews. That top 25 list is really sad though, looks like most watered down macro-brews :(

So, I've ordered sampler beers before in microbreweries... those were fun... as I like to taste new things. Still l I can't get myself to like beer the way I like wine. Do you think it is the bitterness? Is bitter the predominant taste of beer? Is the bitterness what is liked by so many people... for it to be the highest selling beverage! Interesting isn't it. And yet there are many who would not try a new dish... go figure!

Do you sometimes buy a certain beer because of its packaging, @summertooth? And have you been disappointed buying such a beer because the flavor was not consistent with how you thought it would taste? I know you are enjoying the peace and quiet of a lake somewhere! Be safe and take care, my friend @summertooth take care 🥰🌺🤙

I was born in Cincinnati Oh and there is a seven oz Ale, called Little Kings Cream Ale.

These days an Angry Orchard is much better. They brewed one a few years back called Naughty Pear with Cardamon it was delicious, I can't find this anymore either.
I guess I'm rambling...have a nice evening my friend😍😍😀 Did you know @silversaver888 that they cannot transport this across the country so strange....

I lived in Kentucky for awhile and enjoyed those 7 oz beers in an Eight Pack! Whoever heard of such a thing, the sheer madness of it all!

That's so nice @handofzara, they were so popular, I tried to get some online....completely restricted LOL!!!

I have to develop the taste for it. I could never consume more than 1/4 of a bottle, hehehe. Now... Pinot?! Then that is another thing 😆😂


You know your beer, @silvertop! You must be a beer drinker...(duh!😂) Enjoy the weekend ahead, my friend @silvertop, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

Teenage years.... I'll take another Latte!😇
So glad the DM helped, I also keep hitting the refresh button to keep everything updated. It's still hit or miss....the Mrs was the winner tonight!😍
Have a nice night my friend!!😍😍😀Well not any more @silversaver888, years ago LOl!

I'm not much of a beer drinker, but there are a couple in your photo collage that peak my interest — such as the Tangerine! I love tangerines! 😋

I thought that was interesting too and wondered how that beer would taste! There are four (I think) in the photo that seem to be fruit-based. Beer is fermented from grains, so perhaps the fruits are added during the fermentation process? Something to read about! My reading list is getting longer each day 😂😆!


Have a lovely evening, my dear sis @thekittygirl! And take care 🥰🌺🤙

So, I have a QUESTION for you:

If you were going to create your own SILVER SAVER ALE, what would it taste like? What flavor(s) would you include? 😁

Hey sis! I have to say, I, alas, am not a beer drinker! I have tried to like it, but I just don't! I know some might think that's un-American, but what can I say? I do think it's interesting to look at them all, and I would try some, if offered, just to see if it's possible to change my mind, lol!

I like the look of your collection as all of the labels look interesting.

Sorry that I can't offer more feedback. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely night, sis!💕😘🤗🤗🌸

Yup, me and you both... and I don't know why I can't drink beer. All my friends do, and for the life of me, you can't force me to drink more than a few sips 😆😂 Nothing wrong with the beer... it is just me, I thought... but then there is YOU, LOL!


Have a lovely evening, and a fantastic weekend ahead, my dearest and sweetest sis @elizabethbit! Take care 🥰🌺🤙, lots of love and hugs💕😘🤗

Nope! I've tried and I can make one long neck last for the entire night and then some, lol! Take care and enjoy your relaxing weekend!🤗🤗💕😘🌸

The only problem with your beer collection is that someone needs to drink them!

Screenshot_2020-08-14 Free Willy blank Meme Generator - Imgflip.png

I occasionally do beer samplers at microbreweries. I find it fun and enjoyable to try new flavors!
Have a fantastic weekend, and take care, my friend 🥰🌺🤙

Come on over, and you are welcome to them, @handofzara. I will stick to my Pinot Noir!

This post made me thirsty, lol

Hehehe, me too... I got thirsty while putting the article together, and I made myself some iced sweet tea!
Do you have any particular favorite beer?


Thanks for stopping by, @johneyreacko, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

So many varieties of beer, but I only tasted very few of those you presented.


Hehehe... and I have tasted only a few of them myself, sib, @long888. In case you are wondering... "sib" is sibling, LOL. But I enjoyed taking the photos and it was only then that I realized just how extensive the inventory of types of beer this store carries. And what about the superstores? So now, I recall the grocery you showed. That one was HUGE! My local store may not even be half the size of that one! Have a terrific weekend, @long888, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

I like Beer Ms. Saver, but as you know I stopped Drinking it 30 Years Ago. It Was The RIGHT THING to Do..... More Money for SILVER @silversaver888


Yes, @stokjockey, it was the right thing to do. Is right and wrong relative to the individual🤔? Like I stopped buying coffee from Starbucks and DutchBros, but I also stopped buying clothes, shoes and handbags and don't buy those anymore unless it is absolutely necessary. Some of my friends are asking... "Why????" and then they say..."That is not right!😱 That can't be right!" 😂😅 Have a great evening, my friend @stokjockey, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

I am so PROUD of You and The Attention and compensation that this Post is Getting for you Ms. Saver @silversaver888

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 18 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

BEER Hey @silversaver888, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thanks for the Beer, @pixresteemer (although I don't drink neer, LOL!)

wino wine drinker, but, that is not true, I like fun drinks like a mojito or something like that.I love your beer collection! I have some different beers in my cooler, but honestly, it is not the first thing I go for when I want something. I am currently drinking a rum and coke with my pizza, making it an easy #MarketFriday night for Denise. I almost never drink them, as I am a straight

Can you believe how many beers the stores have to carry? Especially the grocery stores! Unbelievable! I do like the craft beers and we have a craft brewery in my town here. It is pretty cool, I like going there on occasion, although, not lately. I loved your take on this and all the time spent on those pictures!!!! Oh, thank you! 😍 Thank you for providing different elements to the cultural exchange we provide here. I can say that so many people are now enjoying not only the markets and places visited, but the different cultures than their own, showing off how we are so different, but, also, showing how many things we have in common. I appreciate the love and support you give to #MarketFriday! I feel like we are getting a core group that enjoys sharing their life and the different ways of life, which is great! I absolutely love it! It warms my heart to see that you chose to be a part of this challenge. It is people such as yourself that make is so successful! Thank you! Truly! Your participation adds a unique flavor to the mix. I just love clicking on the link and having a new world open up, right before my very eyes! Thank you again for being a part of all this! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

How to Participate:
Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, clothing, plant, or animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo, an art auction, and restaurants. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for any kind of service.
Take pictures! Be creative! It’s fun!
Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
Post the picture.(s)
Don’t forget to use the MarketFriday Community #196308 to post from or hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle If you hashtag it, drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted

!tip .20


You are spot on about the benefits of joining and reading other Hivers' articles posted on #marketfriday! I have been truly enriched by reading and knowing about other cultures from the different markets in the world. Some of the markets I've learned about via the Market Friday community are truly thought-provoking. I am certain that many in this community feel the same way. And WOW... the education and learning I get from #marketfriday is priceless. The sharing of first-hand experiences of each one in their show & tell about the markets from where they are... it is just incredible!!! So, THANK YOU to you, sweet @dswigle! And yes, I try and put my best effort into my articles in gratitude to you and to the others, as a way of reciprocating for their time and effort for sharing their life with us in the community. Have a beautiful weekend, my sweetest and dearest @dswigle, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

You too! It is always such a pleasure to read yours. It is very evident that you spend time and much thought doing yours. Just so you know, it is always appreciated. xoxo

Have a wonderful weekend, beauty. 💗

image.pngGuess what, @dswigle, this article was listed as one of the five for today:

Congratulations!! You are so deserving with the time and effort you put in to yours!! And it was awesome!! Thank you for sharing!! XO


Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @silversaver888! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @silversaver888! You have received 0.2 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Thanks, sweet @dswigle!!! 🥰🌺🤙

You are always such a pleasure! Thank you! xo

That is one huge collection of beers we don't realize how many brands of beers there are in this world till we start taking notice but despite all the brands i still like my Corona Extra not the Corona Virus the Corona 😂

... and this is just from my local food store. Can you imagine the selections found in specialty stores... plus there are so many microbreweries and craft beer brewers in the world. It is mind-boggling that men and women drink this stuff so much that the consumption of it is higher than water!
Hehehe... have you see the earlier meme joke about corona virus - extra in a bottle 😭😂?

CHEERS @kohsamui99🍻

It is just endless on how many brands there are it is a billion dollar industry i have seen a couple of corona virus meme joke but it's not going to stop me from drinking this beer 😅 Cheers 😅