
Appears your brother has them in safe keeping, perhaps time to bring them out and look at them again. Yup great memories made with these little toys. Nothing beats original!

Seems so! I am not sure any of them are worth anything, but I used to enjoy playing with them. My daughter likes cars too - so I get to play again :)

Still have them in storage.

Time to check and go down memory lane, sure you two had great fun when young as well!

I've kept many things from the early days with the intention of handing them to those who come after us, I've already begun to do so. With no children of my own, I hand them to my niece and nephew. They're my beneficiaries know, when I croak.

Paddling the same boat, much hoarded away for in case it could be kept within family. My boys are not planning babies anytime, which I have no objection to, now to sell and hopefully assist them in getting somewhere they can enjoy a life without looking over their shoulder.... if that is possible anywhere!

As for final croak it will happen just as well we never know when or how 🤣