
It is a pretty phenomenal place if you are into nature, which I believe we both are. Thunder Hole is amazing when you're standing right near an end you can hear the water rushing in and crashing on the rocks. There is no way I would want to be in that hole! All in all, it was a wonderful trip and no matter how many times I go there, I just love it!

It is a pretty phenomenal place if you are into nature, which I believe we both are. Thunder Hole is amazing when you're standing right near an end you can hear the water rushing in and crashing on the rocks. There is no way I would want to be in that hole! All in all, it was a wonderful trip and no matter how many times I go there, I just love it!

Thank you so much for stopping by leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!!

I would imagine it would be pretty phenomenal experience, I would enjoy seeing that very much you never know where life can led you, I will place that on my bucket list that's for sure. I have had a pretty busy week and was unable to do a #marketfriday for you but may try to do one tomorrow.

You have a great Sunday @dswigle :)

Indeed it was an incredible experience and one that I would not mind doing it again soon. Of course I say that and I've been there time and time again but it's pretty low-key and so that gives me the incentive to returned again. Loki in that I don't have to make preparations to go. I can just decide to go one day and hop in a little plane oh, and be there in a couple hours. The drive is far too long with too many other commit spot if you have the time it's a beautiful drive. Never worry about the markets because you know I'll be here next week. I do so love what you put in but I also know that you only have so much time on your hands. Balance my friend!

#MarketFriday still loves you!

That really is convenient when you can just hop on a plane at anytime and enjoy a weekend there if, I had more time on my hands, I would be doing that myself as it is no more then a couple of hours flight to any beautiful destination like south or north of Thailand.

Well I did manger to do a #marketfriday today and have dropped the link in your #marketfriday post.

Thank you @dswigle you have a lovely week :)