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RE: Donating and Charity shopping for Market Friday

in Market Friday2 years ago

That looks like a really fun day. The nearest store to me that I help out with donations is Goodwill. They are mostly clothing, books, and old furniture, but occasionally they'll have a gem. I like to browse for old 78rpm records there and a couple years ago I found these two really creepy clown paintings that I brought home and turned into arduino powered Halloween paintings - the eyes on one of them glow now, and the eyes on the second will shift back and forth when it "sees" movement.


aha I thought you might go there looking for 78's!
Goodwill I remember that one from when we lived in Florida, used to have some good furniture finds:)
Haha those clowns, by the sounds of it, now they are really creepy after your handiwork🤣🤣🤣