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RE: Returning Market Friday

in Market Friday β€’ 4 years ago

Good morning, dear Denjse 🌞 You purchased it a year ago? Omg, now I see, you are really lucky! Reslect to their staff!

We are all healthy, thank you so much for care πŸ€— Ukraine is on some phase of easying lockdown measurements. Today they promised to run public transport because since they start relaxing Kyiv lives in a collapse. Some bussiness are back but people have no way to get to work but on cars, and sometimes it takes 2-3 hours to get to the office one way, this is a shame.
My mom gets back to work on Monday, and in one more week they promise to open gyms so my daughter will work again.

We have a car so I visited them on May 1st, helped in the garden and so on. Only a few towns were closed completely.

I wish your situation improves soon too, and we all will remember this in a year and think What on the earth it was?

This is my contribution 😊

Take care and have an incredible day!