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RE: Market Friday (Dreemport Week 2): Stoked At The Beach

in Market Friday2 years ago

Hahahaha! Your post cracked me up. It was as if I was watching a conversation between friends. You wrote it exactly the way you'd say it and that's fun. The beach is a fun place and there is always something to buy. Lately I made a new rule never to go to the beach with money or my ATM card cos I always end up buying more than I bargained. By the way I love banana smoothies. They are used to make milk shake over here


Aww haha thank you @zyzymena I write straight from the site, no proofreading, no notepad. I write what comes into my mind haha. I think it is more genuine that way. I live close to the beach this is why I don't bring any money unless I plan to eat somewhere and stuff like those. Tha banana smoothie is yummy I swear. Thank you, sistah. I appreciate your visit and nice to meet you! Xoxo.

Writing what comes to mind is the best form of writing. I feel like it is unadulterated writing because you pour the emotion just the way it flows and anyone reading can totally feel it as they read through.

I've always wondered what it would be living close to the beach. Here we do not have many beaches but it is one dream I hope I can actualise someday.

It's nice to get a reply from you ♥️

And sorry it took me a lil while to respond. I was doing the laundry earlier. Hugs!!!

That's no issue dear. ♥️
