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RE: Datos relevantes sobre arañas enanas del género Oecobius y la especie Oecobius navus

in StemSocial2 years ago

What a delight it is to read this. You are the true "Spider Man". You describe the spiders with such an engaging narrative style. A wonderful read that offers a great amount of information.

As I read about the nest along ant trails, I was thinking that is quite an adaptation. It exploits the ants innate behavior of following the chemical traces. These must be small ants, I imagine, because the spiders are so tiny.

Thanks for a great blog.


That's right, it is an extremely small spider and is very specialized in hunting ants, it is a biological controller of this type of insects. Every living being is intelligent in its own way, they do not need to have such an advanced brain to survive, so they are really fabulous organisms and the millions of years they have been populating the planet is the proof of this.

Thank you very much for your positive evaluation of this article, I'm glad you liked it :)