How does technology influence adolescent behavior?

in StemSociallast year

In the digital age in which we live, technology has had a significant impact on the behavior of adolescents. The increasing accessibility and widespread use of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have led to notable changes in the way adolescents interact and behave.


One of the main effects of technology on adolescent behavior is the influence on their communication and social relationships. Social networking and instant messaging apps allow them to easily connect with friends and peers, but they can also lead to over-reliance and lack of real-world social skills. Teens spend long hours engrossed in their devices, which can negatively affect their ability to establish meaningful interpersonal relationships.

In addition, technology can also impact adolescents' cognitive development. The easy availability of information online can foster an attitude of instant gratification and a reliance on seeking quick answers rather than fostering critical thinking and problem solving. In addition, excessive use of technology can affect adolescents' concentration and attention span, which can impact their academic performance and study skills.

Technology has also changed the way adolescents entertain themselves. They used to play outdoors and participate in physical and social activities, but now many of them prefer to spend their free time playing video games, watching movies or series online or surfing social networks. This has led to a more sedentary lifestyle and less participation in physical activities, which can have negative consequences for their overall health and well-being.

It is essential that adolescents learn to use technology in a balanced and conscious way, taking advantage of its benefits while maintaining a balanced life outside of the digital world. Likewise, parents, educators and society in general must play an active role in guiding adolescents to use technology in a balanced and conscious way.

On the other hand, technology also offers opportunities and benefits for adolescents. It provides them with access to educational information, online learning tools and interactive resources that can enrich their knowledge and skills. In addition, technology can be a platform for creative expression, allowing adolescents to explore their interests and talents through the creation of digital content.

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What an excellent choice of topic for this community! To answer your rhetorical question, I would like to say that the influence of technology on the behaviour of teenagers is incalculable. In other words, it is total and complete. It conditions the way they perceive abstract concepts such as: beauty, aesthetics, pleasure, "good" and "evil". And an endless number of concepts that then form preconceived positions and ideas in the developing psyche of adolescents. Brilliant work, @deisip67

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and comment. you are absolutely right in what you say.

Thank you m you're very kind and polite. Best for you, always. Great writing.

I always believed there are some teenagers that should not yet be exposed to some technological tools now because of the danger effect on them

You are absolutely right there are many teenagers who are not prepared and for this they need parental guidance, which plays an important role.
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