Some teeny tiny organisms that maintain the ecosystem

in StemSocial4 years ago

Useful bee
Source: Wikipedia, Author: Athen_Ananda, CC-BY-SA 3.0
Bugs and worms are essential members of ecosystems, where they perform many vital processes. They recycle nutrients, pollinate plants, disperse seeds, maintain soil structure and fertility. They can also control other organisms and provide a major food source. Majority of bugs are beneficial, nevertheless, an important minority of them do cause great harm to humans and other animals.
But majorly, they exhibit various beneficial roles to humans.

Bugs are hexapod (six legged) invertebrates and the largest group in the arthropod phylum. They are class within the arthropoda.They are very large in group, their species illustrate the largest percentage of world's known species according to estimate, beetles makes up about one third of all known insect species. It will really take much of our time if we dig deep in studying how large their species are.

There are many benefits of bugs and worms to man, including crops and fruits. some pollinate many of our fruits, flowers and vegetables. Some are important as primary or secondary decomposers. Without their help, dispose of wastes, dead animals and plants would accumulate our environment, imagine how messy everywhere would be.
The most crucial bugs and worm are the- praying mantis, Bees, Ladybug (lady bird), Butterflies, lacewing, Earthworms and Termites. These organisms are consider to be helpful because they accomplish something positive for the ecosystem.
Let me explain the usefulness of each of the above mentioned bugs and worm one by one.

praying mantis

Praying mantis, source: Wikipedia, Author:Shiva shankar, CC BY SA 2.0

The praying mantis is named for its prominent front legs which is folded like hands in prayer. They usually live from spring to fall. This magnificent insects help farmers and gardenners by eating moths, mosquitoes, roaches, flies and aphids. Since they have a very big appetite, so it's fortunate that it is also an accomplished predator
for farmers. Don't be tricked by it's angelic stance, nevertheless the mantis is a deadly predator.


Bees Source: Wikipedia, Author:Jon Sullivan, CCO_FAQ
Bees are outstanding pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables. It is reckoned that one third of the food we consume relies on pollination mostly by bees. Many domestic and imported fruits and vegetables requires pollination.
Bees have aid reproduction of many plants and flowers in transferring the pollen grains from the anther to the stigma. During this process, the hairy body or wings of the bee touches the pollen grains and these stick to the body or wings of the insect. When this insect visit another fruit or flower, the pollen grains may touch the stigma of this plant thereby bringing about pollination.
Pollinated plants have brightly colored conspicuous scented flowers, that attract insects to the plant for pollination
A honey bee uses her proboscis to suck up nectar from flowers during pollination and stores the liquid in her crop. Nectar from flowers is the main source of carbohydrates in the natural diet of honey bees. Sugar concentration in nectar can vary in the range of 25% to 40%.
Also, pollen grains are one of the purest and richest natural foods, containing all the nutritional requirements of a honey bee, honey from bees are highly nutritious. Honey is very essential in our daily lives. It has been linked to health benefits that honey help in improving heart health and blood antioxidant status.
Honey can be use to replace other forms of sugar and enjoy it in moderation. Honey moreover acts as an antibiotic when it is apply directly to the wound or infected area, it help to kill off the bacteria and aid in healing process,
Hydrogen peroxide and high sugar content in honey account for some of it's antibacterial properties.
In skin care, raw honey helps to balance the bacteria on your skin, which makes it a great product to use for acne. Honey is good for skin, it's extremely moisturizes the skin. If you want glowing skin, milk and honey are a perfect combination to use.
However, honey bees furthermore make Beeswax. Beeswax is a natural wax formed into scales by eight wax, producing glands in the abdominal segments of worker bees, which discard it in or at the hive
Beeswax is very useful in cosmetic products. It is used in lip balm, lip gloss, hand creams, salve moisturizers, eye shadow, bluch and eye liner. It is also valuable ingredient in moustache wax and hair pomades, which make hair look sleek and shiny
In all, bee is a very important insect to us and our environment.


Ladybug Source: Wikipedia, Author:Zachi Evenor, CC BY 3.0

Ladybug is a small Beetle with a domed back, naturally red and yellow with spots. They are not poisonous to humans, however they act as a predator or parasite in the field of biological pest control. They can have toxic effects in some animals like aphids, the plant-eating animal. In the colonies of aphids and other plant-eating pests, they lay hundreds of eggs there. when they hatch, the ladybug larve immediately begin to feed on these insects. Ladybugs are considered a beneficial bugs which help rid an area of crop damaging mealybugs and other destructive insect pests. For example, introduction of Australian Lady Bird successfully controlled the cotteny cushion scale.
Primarily, ladybugs help in pest control!


Butterfly Source: Wikipedia, Author: fesoj, CC BY 2.0

Butterflies are the adult flying stage of certain insects belonging to a group called Lepidoptera. Plant rely on butterflies for reproduction. Flowers benefit greatly from butterfly through pollination. Butterflies are attracted to brightly colored fragrant flowers. As the butterflies hop from one flower to another, they pollinate the plants, resulting in further development of plant species. They eat plenty weedy plants and provide a food source for other animals, therefore, providing an essential part of the food chain. Our ecosystem value butterflies because they indicate a healthy ecosystem. They help to stabilize the ecosystem by feeding on poisonous plant in the wild.


Lacewing source: Wikipedia, Author: siga, CC BY SA 3.0

They are slender insects with large clear membranous wings. In our garden, they are dangerous to other insects both the adult and larvae are commonly predators of aphids. At the larve stage, they devour aphids and other pests such as mealybugs, thrips and juvenile white flies in great numbers, eating about 200 pry insects each week.
Lacewing is one of the most effective predatory insect for aphids mites caterpillars and some beetles.

Earth worm

Earthworm Source: Wikipedia, Author:sarefo, CC-BY-SA 3.0

Earth worm is a burrowing annelid worm that lives in the soil or any dead plant material. Earth worm help massively in farm. They are important in aerating and draining the soil and burying organic matter, thus increasing the amount of air and water that gets into the soil. Organic matters like leaves and grass are decompose by earth worms along with fugi and bacteria into manure that plant can use. By their activities in the soil, they offers many benefits, nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen become more readily accessible for plants after digestion and being excreted in their cast. Earth worms may lack the charm or excitement of more familiar animals, but their contribution to our world is noteworthy.


Termite Source:Wikipedia, Author:Filipe Fortes, CC BY-SA 3.0
We all know that sometimes, termites can be destructive but honestly, they are also of great importance to us. Primarily, their benefits in nature are in wooded area and forest. Termites eat dead trees which help the decomposition process of the dead tree to turn into fertile soil. This fertile soil helps the forest to grow quickly. They also help to aerate the soil and put nutrients back to the soil.
Some species of Termites are also good source of food being rich in proteins, fats, Vitamins and many essential mineral nutrients thus provide food for poor household. Termites are good to eat but not all species, it has been revealed that some certain termites species are consumed. Yes, you can eat edible termites because it is safe to eat, it is delicious and equally nutritious. Termites can be food especially in the developing and underdeveloped parts of the world.
Eatinghụedible termites like hodotermes, microhodotermes, kalotermes, coptotermes etc, will enrich you with up to 38% percent proteins. They are also rich in iron, calcium especially fatty acids and amino acid such as tryptophan. In medical field, termites are used as source of natural medicine.
Do you know that clay obtained from ant hill is used to build the surface of tennis court?
So you see? Termites are great beneficial to us though, they can be very destructive sometimes.
In conclusion, bugs and earthworm are beneficial to us and our ecosystem as well. Do not neglect their works to humans, they have contributed a lot in our environments!

Thanks for reading my work. Hope you enjoyed the article? Please feel free to contribute more benefits of bugs and earthworm which were not added on my above list


[1] Edible and medicinal termites
[2] Breathtaking benefits of termites
[3] Human uses and indigenous knowledge of edible termites in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa
[4] Earthworm roles in ecosystem
[5] We can't live without Earthworm
[6] Green Lacewing
[7] How is the butterfly helpful to mankind
[8] All about butterflies
[9] Ladybug
[10] Beeswax
[11] Natural antibiotics
[12] What do honey bees eat
[13] Honey bee nutrition
[14] Bees are important
[15] Praying Mantis
[16] All about praying mantis
[17] Beneficial insects you should not kill
[18] Important of insects


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Nice article again @jsalvage

Congrats for getting voted from stemsocial again. :) You are hardworking. nice

I value the insights and guidance you provide. I very much appreciate your help sir🙌

Hola @jsalvage excellent publication, in a paper I can observe a wide variety of organisms that fulfill a function of the ecosystem, known as functional biodiversity, was well detailed the function that each one fulfills. Speaking of earthworms are essential to the structure of the soil and decompose the organic matter as you point out in the article, you would say that they are the workers in the soil. A pleasure to read your article and to be able to interact, we continue in communication

Honestly, there varieties of organisms that are useful to the ecosystem, non of their works are belittled.
Thanks very much for reading my article, I'm glad you found it interesting 💕