Rejuvenate your cells, new study.

in StemSocial8 months ago

Rejuvenate your cells, new study.

An interesting discovery was made in preclinical trials.

A small molecule was able to regrow neurons, reduce inflammation and improve memory, speed, coordination and grip strength. Imagine the impact this could have in the fight against aging and disease associated.

Scientists at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center focused on Telomerase reverse transcriptase, a vital enzyme that helps synthesize and extend telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes critical for cell division. However, as we age TRT levels decrease and without sufficient amounts our telomeres shrink or become damaged, leading to cellular aging, tissue damage and even cancer.

In search of a solution, the researchers examined more than 650,000 compounds to find a molecule capable of reactivating TRT in elderly mice and found it. By administering the activating compound TAC for 6 months, they observed the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus of the mice, significantly improving their performance on cognitive tests, plus the genes involved in memory and learning showed an increase in activity but the benefits did not stop there. TAC also reversed sarcopenia, the natural weakening of muscles with age.

Promising result.

The treated mice presented a higher pressure force in addition to improving speed, coordination and neuromuscular function. Another confirmed benefit was the reduction of the accumulation process of inflammatory markers responsible for several diseases related to aging.

Study author Ronald A. DePinho said these preclinical results are encouraging, since TAC is easily absorbed by all tissues and including the central nervous system, more studies are still needed to evaluate its safety and effectiveness in long-term treatments.

Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of aging has revealed viable targets for drugs opening new opportunities to combat age-related chronic diseases; And what do you think of these impressive discoveries? Do you think that one day technologies in medicine will change the course of aging?

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