🦷🦠Can dental caries be transmitted? | ¿La caries dental se puede transmitir?🦠🦷

in StemSocial2 years ago

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¿Que es una carie dental?

Las caries dental es la enfermedad bucal que afecta más a las personas, puesto que es ella es producida por diversos factores, ya sea alto consumo de hábitos, poca higiene bucal, situación económica precaria así como también enfermedades como la diabetes, algunas personas creen que una vez que la madre esté embarazada y posea caries puede transmitir a su hijo, no obstante en esta publicación vamos a profundizar este tema y responder la interrogante generada en el título de esta publicación.

Dental caries is the oral disease that most affects people, since it is caused by various factors, either high consumption habits, poor oral hygiene, poor economic situation as well as diseases such as diabetes, some people believe that once the mother is pregnant and has tooth decay can transmit to your child, however in this publication we will deepen this issue and answer the question generated in the title of this publication.

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¿Que afecta?

La caries dental es una enfermedad que afecta y deteriora los téjidos de nuestros dientes, ya que esto será producto de la desmineralización generada por los ácidos que consumimos, ya que toda la cómida que ingerimos es modificada por nuestra saliva, esto va producir la placa bacteriana, esta debemos remover de manera constante con la técnica de cepillado, para que no se almacene en un sólo lugar y pueda dar inicio a la caries dental de manera inicial.

Dental caries is a disease that affects and deteriorates the tissues of our teeth, since this will be a product of the demineralization generated by the acids we consume, since all the food we eat is modified by our saliva, this will produce bacterial plaque, this must be removed constantly with the brushing technique, so that it is not stored in one place and can start dental caries in an initial way.


Características clinicas

​Las caries se manifiestan primeramente como una mancha blanca o de color marrón el esmalte, cuando este se encuentra seco, luego se presenta una pequeña cavidad, posteriormente una sombra oscura de la dentina vista através del esmalte, también puede ser una mancha gris, una vez que la caries seguí progresando va observar una cavidad con dentina visible que no abarcará un 50% de la pieza dental, por último ya la caries progresa tanto que tendremos una gran cavidad extensa que va ubicar mucho más de la mitad de la pieza dentaria.

Caries manifest themselves first as a white or brown spot on the enamel when it is dry, then there is a small cavity, then a dark shade of dentin seen through the enamel, it can also be a gray spot, once the caries continues to progress will observe a cavity with visible dentin that will not cover 50% of the tooth, finally and caries progresses so much that we will have a large cavity that will locate much more than half of the tooth.


Entonces las caries

Ahora bien para responder a la interrogante generada en el titulo de esta publicación la caries dental, es una enfermedad no transmisible es decir que no transmite puesto que ella va depender únicamente de los malos hábitos o falta de higiene bucal, si no cepillamos nuestros dientes y tenemos una alimentación alta en azúcares y carbohidratos estos se van a degradar creando ácidos que deterioran las estructura dentales, a pesar que la madre gestante tenga caries no va a contagiar a sus hijos de las mismas, no va a pasar el estreptococos mutans a su hijo, pero cabe destacar que si se desconoce las correctas técnicas del cepillado y los padres no educan y fomentan a sus hijos de lo importante que son dientes, los niños van a copiar los malos hábitos de sus hijos.

Now to answer the question generated in the title of this publication, dental caries is a non-transmissible disease, that is to say that it does not transmit since it will depend only on bad habits or lack of oral hygiene, if we do not brush our teeth and we have a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates, these will degrade creating acids that deteriorate the dental structure, Even though the pregnant mother has cavities she will not infect her children with them, she will not pass the streptococcus mutans to her child, but it is important to point out that if the correct brushing techniques are not known and the parents do not educate and encourage their children about the importance of teeth, the children will copy the bad habits of their children.

Referencia Informativa/Reference Informative:


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Texto traducido en Deelp


I had a toothache, so I didn't want to read this article :) It's gone now. Great information. I do have a question. While you explain that cavities are not contagious (one person to another), are they though from one tooth to another? That is, if I have a cavity in my lower first molar, can that decay spread to the next molar, or does it just spread within one tooth?

Thanks for the the answer (I'll get my tooth fixed when COVID isn't so prevalent).

Thank you very much for your comment I appreciate it very much. Responding to your question if it is possible that one tooth to the other can be infected with tooth decay, if the decay is in the proximal sides ie in the space from one tooth to the other, in this only case is possible because it will affect the neighboring tooth, a hug. @agmoore

Thank you for that response. Another reason to get our teeth taken care of ;))

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