in StemSocial3 years ago (edited)
In view of the 3speak error where they republished old posts, take the opportunity to modify this post and show some interesting photos of a small science museum, here we can see several artifacts that show some phenomena, including the famous plasma sphere, I always wondered how it worked? my intention is: "if I receive a reward in a fast post" the ethical thing is to modify it and create new content! and that I will do! I hope that users who suffer from this misunderstanding also do the same as me!💡😜

En vista del error de 3speak donde republicaron post antiguos aproveche en modificar este post y mostrar algunas fotos interesantes de un pequeno museo de ciencias, aqui podemos ver varios artefactos que muestran algunos fenomenos, incluyendo la famosa esfera de plasma, siempre me pregunte como funcionaba? mi intencion es: "si recibo recompensa en un post repido" lo etico es modificarlo y crear contenido nuevo! y eso hare! espero que los usuarios que sufrimos de este mal entendido tambien hagan lo mismo que yo!👨‍🏫🧠





This object began to gain its fame in the 80's as it was something innovative and exciting, in fact Testa was its inventor! there are many shapes but they are generally made round, they work as follows: inside the glass sphere there is a set of gases that are dissolved then alternating electricity is applied with a "coil" that is very small, then there is also an electrode that is the one that emits the beautiful lights!💥
Este objeto comenzo a ganar su fama en la decada de los 80 ya que fue algo innovador y excitante, en realidad fue Testa su inventor! hay muchas formas pero generalmente se fabrican redondas, funcionan de la siguiente manera: dentro de la esfera de cristal hay un conjunto de gases que estan disueltos luego se aplica electricidad alterna con una "bobina" que es muy pequeña, luego tambien hay un electrodo que es el que emite las hermosas luces!💚💜💙💚




Also inside the museum I came across other educational games that explain many physical phenomena such as gravity exercises, the famous spring law, how waves travel from one direction to another, there are also some "free fall" toys, another interesting thing about the museum is that we see the evolution of many scientific toys throughout history!
Tambien dentro del museo me tope con otros juegos didacticos que explican muchos fenomenos fisicos como por ejemplo ejercicios de gravedad, la famosa ley resorte, como viajan las ondas de una direccion a otra, tambien hay algunos juguetes de "caida libre" otra cosa interesante del museo es que vemos la evolucion de muchos juguetes cientificos a lo largo de la historia!









What could be more famous than Newton's pendulum? it is a very simple artifact that leaves us impressed because it shows how energy is conserved in a body, it was built for the first time in the 17th century, basically the balls in the center do not move and they transfer the energy from one ball to another moving those that they are in the corners💥💥
Que podria ser mas famoso que el pendulo de Newton? es un artefacto muy simple que nos deja impresionados porque demuestra como se conserva la energia en un cuerpo, fue construido por primera vez en el siglo 17, basicamente las bolas del centro no se mueven y transfieren la energia de una bola a otra moviendose las que estan en las esquinas!😮😮











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Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.



@hivewatcher I want you to know! if possible they can remove the reward! you can see my publications I never publish 2 posts in one day! I don't want it to be seen that I wanted to cheat!

@themarkymark User is asking for your rewards to be removed. The post was published by 3speak without the user's knowledge. It is caused by the 3speak glitch re-publishing old posts (many old posts have been recycled on dozens of accounts without user's intervention including theycallmedan's account)

Chipping off some rewards for the glitch post~

@adamada I had an idea I hope others do too, instead of receiving a reward for an old or deleted post I modified it and created new content! So basically we don't justify getting rewards on old content!

Alright, undid my dv. You forgot to add tags on the new edited post btw.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 89 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

BEERHey @oscurity, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.

Kill it with fire...NOW.

Waooo, muy bien hecho amigo @oscurity que buena información nos has traído hoy, entonces utilizando alcohol evitaremos que este tipo de parásito pueda causarnos daños catastróficos.

Por otro lado, me gustaría saber que sucedió con el pez 😭 porque lo perdí de vista en la lectura. Aunque discúlpame porque se que esté no es el centro de lo que nos has comunicados en tu post.

¿Que le sucedió al pez? 😱


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