How to deal with Menstration as a Woman

Menstration is the monthly period a woman experiences between her menstrual cycle and her uterine release of estrogens. This period is common for most women but can vary widely from one woman to another. Although many women suffer through their menstral cycle alone, other women may find that they are mensesed more than usual or that they experience intense cramps while on the days prior to their period ending.

The medical term for this is called odynogetrikon, which means "odinausean menstruation" in Greek. The Greeks believed that this was a sign that an important person had come and left, and it was also a way of referring to the monthly 12-day rise in estrogen levels that occurs as a result of our female reproductive system's physiological response to pregnancy.

Nowadays, we know it has nothing to do with paternity or love! So what's the deal with menstral cycle? Is it something we should be concerned about? Let's discuss about this important topic and explore why some women experience more menses than others…

What is the Menstral Cycle?


The menstral cycle is the monthly pattern one experiences during one's period. The normal cycle varies from woman to woman but is usually between 28-32 days, including the four-day intermission between your periods.

During the menstral cycle, your body prepares for pregnancy. This includes your muscles and ligaments, as well as your endocrine system. This is why symptoms of pregnancy might occur during your period - if you are pregnant.

Many women respond to hormonal changes, including the change in levels of estrogen that occurs during menstruation, by producing more Cortisol - a stress hormone that can cause cramps and headaches. Others respond by secreting more Progesterone, which can improve symptoms.

Although both female hormones are involved, the rise in estrogen is what is responsible for the majority of your improvement or reduction in pain.

How to manage your menstral cycle

Unfortunately, there is no perfect way to manage your menstral cycle. The best you can do is follow your regular routine - eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep and do yoga or meditation to help relax you. You can also try taking SSRIs and/or TRH to boost your levels of serotonin, which helps with cramps. You can also try taking magnesium or vitamin B-12 if you are having cramps that are accompanied by muscle pain.



Many dietary changes can improve your symptoms as well: eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking more water and taking nutritional yeast as a nutritional supplement.

If you are on your period and have a hard time coming into work the next day, it is probably because your body is releasing more estrogen than usual. As we have discussed, this is normal and is a good sign! If you have regular periods, this is your body's way of preparing for pregnancy.

Even if you are not pregnant, your body will be building up an emergency supply of estrogen during this period so that you can cope with an emergency situation. This is why it is important to follow your regular routine so that you do not miss out on this important source of Hormone.

Is it bad to eat grapefruit during your period?

Grapadenu is the common name for the skin rash that occurs on the face and body due to the toxic effect of the chemicals used in the production of the chemical compound guaifenesin. Although this does result in a few red marks on the face, it is not pleasant and should be treated by a doctor.

In fact, most fruits and vegetables contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and are good for your skin. A few examples include: broccoli, bell peppers, cabbages, dark vegetables, grapes, oranges, sweet potatoes, avocados, limes, kiwis, kumquats and sweet corn.

3 Steps you can take today that will help you feel less like a woman during your menses
Here are 3 steps you can take today that will help you feel less like a woman during your menses and get back to being yourself the person you were meant to be!

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.

  • Get 8 hours of sleep every night.

  • Practice yoga or meditation to relax your body and mind.

  • Take calcium & magnesium as prescribed by your doctor.

The monthly menses is a physiological response that women experience as the result of pregnancy. During this phase, a woman's body produces higher levels of estrogen to prepare for pregnancy.

However, this means that your symptoms will be more painful and your mood will be more negative. Although menses is a normal part of your monthly cycle, it is recommended that you discuss your symptoms with your doctor so that they can rule out any underlying medical causes.







Wow! Just wow!

Thank you 😊

Thank you for highlighting this matter in such a brilliant way. I believe menstruation as a cycle in women adds to the better adaptation of the body system, although I need more evidence on this.

You are welcome.

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