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RE: Study Says COVID Shots Cause More Heart Damage Than COVID Does + My COVID Posts Get Accepted As Correct Months After I Share Them.

in COVID-192 years ago

And most of the fields you know to be real...are not lol😅 Pasteur's Germ Theory was pushed by Rockefeller medicine because it was more lucrative than Antoine Béchamp's Terrain Theory🤑🤑🤑 Covid only replaced the flu, which is a seasonal detox of the body. This year it replaces the common cold. The extra effects are the synergies of several extra poisons care of our gov'ts 2019 flu vax with graphene hydroxide that eventually killed my mother, new 5g waves very prominent in hospitals, graphene hydroxide sprayed on our heads (makes my nose bleed), in masks, pcr tests, then put in experimental jabs. Then the stats were hyped up in exchange for money (I have witnesses that have attested to this). And a mistreatment and diagnoses of patients in hospitals who were thrown on ventilators for money. They were murdered as well as the elderly in elderly homes to up already faked stats. This guy was murdered after divulging the graphene hydroxide bit.


I am well aware of the terrain/germ theory differences and also the work of various doctors to show that there are no viruses and that they are actually exosomes, etc.
It's fine to explore possibilities but don't expect others to just agree with your proclamations without providing evidence of a standard that can be checked and is coherent enough to leave little doubt. I remain open to the possibilities, partially because the evidence for all possible theories is not high enough quality or complete enough for me to mentally be able to agree that any one of them is definitely correct.

I personally am close to knowing that extremely terrible things have been done on a large scale in hospitals for at least a generation, that most people would think was impossible or crazy - but I don't speak about it because despite having good evidence, I don't yet have total proof.

I don't honestly "expect" anything. The indoctrination is just too deep🤯 But I'm glad you have an open mind. This is the most important thing🙏