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RE: Whatever Did Molly and I Find This Weekend?

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hey! Stay away from my Strawberry patch! and if you see Lady Gaga, tell her the same!! hehe.

You are welcome anytime, as long as you bring Joy with you 😁

The circle of life may be circling around to these eggs. I checked the nest by the fire pit and noticed they were all gone. Not sure what ate them, but they will not develop into birds.

Glad I could help make you smile 😊 seeing you here and reading your comment, made me smile. Speaking of which... I have some catching up to do on your feed.


Lol, you better get to my feed then. 😄. Just put a new one up, let me know if you like it.

I like your style a lot 🤗.

oh yeah! I'm heading there now to check it out 😊