Saying goodbye to some of our dog friends.

in Hive Pets2 years ago

One of the best parts about travelling is all the people (and dogs) that you meet but it is somewhat bittersweet when leaving. We are still around for another 3 weeks or so but coming into Christmas a lot of our friends are leaving Broome and heading south.


The wet season here comes with unbearable heat and a lack of tourists, meaning most industries slow down a lot and staff are moved back south toward Perth. Or their job stops all together and they head to a different part of the country to find a new job.

Unfortunately some of our friends from the park have been leaving in the last week including Pepper the 18 month old red heeler x blue heeler, And Arlo the rottweiller x bulldog, also around 18 months old.

Sassy our dog loves them both and Pepper was her first friend that she made at the park. Pepper loved to try and herd and chase Sassy but was too slow and not agile enough, still loved the chase though. On the odd occasion Sassy wasn't playing with her ball she would play tug of war with Pep who was super gentle given the size difference and was just happy to have someone to play with.


Arlo is also a gentle giant and was a little funny with me to begin with but warmed up quickly and would often come over for cuddles. He even started playing with the older dog we are looking after Taffy but they would play much rougher than he did with Sass.


We are hoping we might get to catch up with them on our way home and maybe stop in Perth and let Sassy see them again. It must be a little sad for her to keep making friends and then having them leave but she's a pretty lucky little dog and will never have a shortage of people or dogs to meet.



How cute!!! And yes, going anywhere and meeting new friends is super fun, sad it's when it's time to go;(