
It's funny you mention catching mice. Merlin was an operator! I used to keep him inside at night but during the day he would go out and climb trees and stuff. He was a bit of a hunter, that's for sure. He'd bring his catch to the back door and look up proud of himself like, look G-dog, I kicked ass again.

Eventually I kept him indoors, when he was getting older and we'd play, a lot to keep him active. Hours at a time. Then it was nap time in his favourite spots. When Cleo came along she would curl up with him and he would put is arm around her. He was a good fellow.

I miss him so much.

I know, I know exactly. He sounds like a great cat. We had a few of that kind as well. They are all special but some have a mission, besides mice. The love for him speaks volumes. I know you're not like this Awwwwww a bunny type but I like your sweet spot. 🤗

Yeah, most people who know me in real life don't know what I'm like with my cats, but most people I know in real life also don't know I like my cats more than them! 😊

I have a soft side Anna, it's reserved for special people, and my cats and for those people and cats there's nothing I would not do.

I know. Each trooper has one, but never mess with us when it comes to them right? Give Cleo some cuddles from overseas.

Indeed...On both counts. Cleo cuddles were deployed.