Photo hunt for Egyptian cats

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello everybody! Today I decided to share my impressions of the cats of Egypt. While there, I spent a lot of time outside the hotel. Non-touristy places carry some imaginary danger, but also interesting impressions. Local cats have become a separate topic for me to review.


Being at home, over the years, I got used to the fact that there are many cats on the street. I feed and support them periodically. But in Egypt, the situation is slightly different. Leaving the hotel to the places of residence of local residents, I noticed a lot of stray cats.


Smelly trash cans have become a favorite spot for cats. By the way, there are a lot of them in such places. On 5-8 cats dig waste in search of food. It doesn't sound very pleasant, but in fact the situation is somewhat different.


Even in ancient Egypt, the cat was the creature that was worshiped. She was a symbol of the sun and fertility. Are cats still such in our time? The answer is obvious!


The answer is ... yes and no. Undoubtedly, the living conditions of cats leaves much to be desired. In my hometown, they live no better, and in some moments even worse. But the attitude of local residents to the smaller brothers is admirable. They value and respect them.


Cats are very thin when compared with the Slavic-homeless breed. But this is probably due to climatic conditions, rather than a lack of food. They are fed well and I saw it with my own eyes. Cats that live close to the fish market eat especially well.


Since I was in the country during the holy holiday - Ramadan, but the cats also ate, most often, after sunset. Almost every shop had bowls for cats. Cats were held in high esteem even in private pharmacies ...


I have not noticed pictures where cats would be oppressed or offended. A tourist is more at risk of being deceived than a cat. Although at first glance, their conditions seem bad. Yes, it is worth looking back at the city itself ...


Even during the desert safari trip, the cats ran among the population and benefited from it. No one chased them away, no one offended them. They feel like full-fledged owners there.


By the way, in some situations, cats are less annoying than traders of all sorts of bullshit. For this they have special respect.

Summing up what I saw ... I did not get the impression of a negative attitude towards our smaller brothers in Egypt. Yes, at first glance, their life cannot be called a beautiful word "luxury". On the other hand, they have adapted to the harsh climate empty and get some profit from this. At least they are constantly fed and watered, which means they are comfortable living in such conditions.


I wish you all goodness and love for our smaller brothers!


These cats look like they own the place.