New member of the Pepe parakeet family (Eng/Esp)

in Hive Petslast month


Best regards to all my friends and followers of #Hive, I hope you are feeling great and enjoying excellent health. Today I want to take advantage of this space to share with you a moving story about a new member of our family: Pepe, the parakeet.

Saludos cordiales a todos mis amigos y seguidores de #Hive espero que se encuentren de maravilla y disfrutando de una salud excelente. Hoy quiero aprovechar este espacio para compartir con ustedes una historia conmovedora sobre un nuevo integrante de nuestra familia: Pepe, el periquito.

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to a new member of our family: the parakeet Pepe. Its arrival has been somewhat unexpected, since everything indicates that it is a parakeet that had an owner.

Hoy tenemos el placer de presentarles a un nuevo integrante de nuestra familia: el periquito Pepe. Su llegada ha sido un tanto inesperada, ya que todo apunta a que se trata de un periquito que tenía dueño.

One afternoon, while we were gathering as usual, we heard singing coming from outside the house. When we went out to investigate, we discovered Pepe perched on a nearby branch.

Una tarde cualquiera, mientras nos reuníamos como de costumbre, escuchamos un canto proveniente del exterior de la casa. Al salir a investigar, descubrimos a Pepe posado en una rama cercana.

We cautiously approached the little singer who had caught our attention. Pepe, as we later baptized him, did not hesitate to extend his paw towards my father-in-law in a gesture of instant friendship. Upon observing it closely, we noticed that its wings were clipped, which led us to assume that it was a parakeet that had lost its home.

Nos acercamos cautelosamente al pequeño cantor que había llamado nuestra atención. Pepe, como lo bautizamos después, no dudó en extender su patita hacia mi suegro en un gesto de amistad instantánea. Al observarlo con detenimiento, notamos que sus alas estaban recortadas, lo que nos llevó a suponer que se trataba de un periquito que había perdido a su hogar.

We decided to temporarily shelter him at home, hoping that his owner would appear. However, the days passed and no one claimed Pepe. Faced with this situation, and with our hearts softened by his docility and affection, we welcomed him as another member of the family.

Decidimos resguardarlo temporalmente en casa, con la esperanza de que su dueño apareciera. Sin embargo, los días transcurrieron y nadie reclamó a Pepe. Ante esta situación, y con el corazón enternecido por su docilidad y cariño, lo acogimos como un miembro más de la familia.

Pepe is an exceptional parakeet. His meekness and his eagerness to learn tricks, such as giving kisses, have made him the center of attention and joy in the home. Every day he surprises us with his occurrences and his contagious vitality.

Pepe es un periquito excepcional. Su mansedumbre y su afán por aprender trucos, como dar besitos, lo han convertido en el centro de atención y alegría del hogar. Cada día nos sorprende con sus ocurrencias y su contagiosa vitalidad.

Pepe came into our lives unexpectedly, but his presence has filled our home with love and laughter. We thank fate for having brought us this great little companion, and we are sure that we will be part of his family for many more years.

Pepe llegó a nuestras vidas de forma inesperada, pero su presencia ha llenado nuestro hogar de amor y risas. Agradecemos al destino por habernos traído a este pequeño gran compañero, y estamos seguros de que formaremos parte de su familia por muchos años más.

It is inevitable to feel sadness when thinking about Pepe's owners and how much they will miss him. However, it also fills us with peace to know that he has arrived at a home where he will be loved and cared for with all the affection in the world.

Es inevitable sentir una tristeza al pensar en los dueños de Pepe y en cuánto lo extrañarán. Sin embargo, también nos llena de paz saber que ha llegado a un hogar donde será amado y cuidado con todo el cariño del mundo.

Pepe's situation when he was found alone and with his wings clipped moves us deeply. Without a doubt, he was in great danger on the streets, exposed to predators and the elements. Fortunately, fate guided him to us, a family willing to provide him with a safe haven full of affection.

La situación de Pepe al ser encontrado solo y con sus alas recortadas nos conmueve profundamente. Sin duda, corría un gran peligro en las calles, expuesto a los depredadores y a las inclemencias del clima. Afortunadamente, el destino lo guió hasta nosotros, una familia dispuesta a brindarle un refugio seguro y lleno de afecto.

In our family, we firmly believe in the well-being and freedom of animals. For this reason, we made the decision that Pepe not live in a cage. We want you to feel at home, exploring every corner and enjoying the company of your new humans.

En nuestra familia, creemos firmemente en el bienestar y la libertad de los animales. Por eso, tomamos la decisión de que Pepe no viva enjaulado. Queremos que se sienta como en casa, explorando cada rincón y disfrutando de la compañía de sus nuevos humanos.

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What love and beauty! Parrots are the only birds I like!

Es adorable amiga, estoy fascinada con el lorito 😍

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