La Historia de mi Mascota Tina//My Pet Tina's Story by @labeba1969

in Hive Pets2 years ago
Reciban un gran saludos para todos los amantes de los animales en @hivepets,ya les he comentado en algunos post sobre mi mascota "Tina",una pudler de 8 años que adopte,hoy vuelvo con ustedes para relatarles la maravillosa historia de su llegada a mi,se podría decir que esta perrita llego a mi poder por equivocación,puesto que el papa de mi sobrina Joselys se la regalo teniendo tan solo unos 15 días nacida,era una cachorrita indefensa,no comía sola y era muy cómico verla caminar pues no tenia equilibrio al hacerlo,no tenia pelo, parecía un ratoncito.

Receive a big greeting for all animal lovers in @hivepets,I have already told you in some posts about my pet "Tina",an 8 years old pudler that I adopted,today I come back to you to tell you the wonderful story of her arrival to me, You could say that this dog came to me by mistake, since the father of my niece Joselys gave her to her when she was only 15 days old, she was a helpless puppy, she did not eat alone and it was very funny to see her walking because she had no balance when she did it, she had no hair, she looked like a little mouse.


El hecho fue que la mamá de mi sobrina se negó rotundamente aceptar a la perrita,y por mas que se le pidió no quiso tenerla en su casa,alegando que era una responsabilidad, que ella no iba a tener y ademas se tenia que correr con muchos gastos,es allí cuando Joselys decide conversar conmigo para que la adopte y yo inmediatamente lo acepte,siempre había querido tener un perro y llego la gran oportunidad,desde ese día la bautice como "Tina Alejandra"alias "Chichi",y comenzó una maravillosa aventura perruna.

The fact was that my niece's mother flatly refused to accept the dog, and as much as she was asked she did not want to have her at home, claiming that it was a responsibility, that she was not going to have and also she had to run with many expenses, that is when Joselys decided to talk to me to adopt her and I immediately accepted it, I had always wanted to have a dog and the great opportunity came, from that day I named her "Tina Alejandra" aka "Chichi", and a wonderful doggy adventure began.


Este ser tan maravilloso llego a mi vida para quedarse y formar parte de nuestra familia,mis hijos la adoran,la respetan y la consienten mucho,todos la quieren y miman,de pequeña le gustaba morder y destruir todo lo que encontraba a su alcance,por lo que tuve que darle unas palmaditas,ahora solo ladra mucho cuando llegan visitas o tocan el timbre,ella me sigue a todas partes a donde voy,cuando estoy sola es mi compañera fiel,le gusta correr y jugar a que le lancen la pelota,ademas le encanta dormir en el sofá,no todo ha sido tan fácil con mi mascota también he vivido momentos de angustias como cuando se ha enfermado una vez sufrió de amibiasis y tuve que llevarla al veterinario de inmediato y yo no dejaba de llorar por que casi estaba desmayada ,ademas sufre de calambres y tengo que hacerla terapias en sus patitas y darle vitaminas.

This wonderful being came into my life to stay and be part of our family, my children love her, they respect her and spoil her a lot, they all love and pamper her, when she was little she liked to bite and destroy everything she found within her reach, so I had to spank her, now she only barks a lot when visitors arrive or ring the doorbell, she follows me everywhere I go, when I'm alone she is my faithful companion, She likes to run and play to be thrown the ball, she also loves to sleep on the couch, not everything has been so easy with my pet I have also lived moments of anguish as when she has been sick once suffered from amebiasis and I had to take her to the vet immediately and I would not stop crying because she was almost fainted, also suffers from cramps and I have to make her therapies in her paws and give her vitamins.


Tener una mascota es una responsabilidad enorme igualmente un acto de amor compartido,ya que este hermoso animalito ha robado todo mi cariño,porque simplemente la adoro,ella es mi querida mascota,todas las mañanas me levanto muy temprano porque ella se para en dos patas y comienza a rasguñar la cama enseguida se que tiene hambre y necesita hacer sus necesidades, así que me dirijo al patio le abro la puerta y le pongo su perrarina, ella disfruta su momento,para mantenerla sana la llevo al veterinario cada tres meses para que le hagan peluquería,la desparasiten y le coloquen antipulgas,es hermoso compartir mi mundo con mi mascota "Tina",ella es mi amor perruno,es la amistad mas sincera que tengo,tener una mascota ayuda a las personas a poner en practica los valores de amor,amistad,responsabilidad y cariño.

Having a pet is a huge responsibility and also an act of shared love, because this beautiful animal has stolen all my affection, because I simply adore her, she is my beloved pet, every morning I get up very early because she stands on two legs and starts scratching the bed immediately I know she is hungry and needs to do her needs, so I go to the yard I open the door and put her doggy bedding, She enjoys her time, to keep her healthy I take her to the vet every three months to get her hair done, deworm her and put flea control, it is beautiful to share my world with my pet "Tina", she is my doggy love, she is the most sincere friendship I have, having a pet helps people to put into practice the values of love, friendship, responsibility and affection.



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Tina look so cute and lovely

I simply adore her, she makes my life very happy.

Tina is a beautiful poodle. From what you describe, she has spent a lifetime with you and we imagine it has been a life filled with much happiness. In Hive Pets we value the interaction between users, we invite you to share with others through the publications. Stay safe!

If since you came into my life everything has changed for the better, it will be a pleasure to interact with you in this community, thank you.