How to Train Your Parrot

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to mention how to familiarize yourself with parrots, how to make friends with parrots.


I watched many videos on this topic. I've seen many posts. Some people say you should put your hand in the cage every day and wait a while. Some argue that we need to practice between the two curtains. Since the bird will have no place to run, it will have to come to you after a period of time. I've tried these methods. I regretted it very much. I hurt myself as I gave the bird a great trauma. The bird bit my hand and caused my finger to bleed. Maybe the bird will get used to you this way, but you will cause it a great trauma.

So what do we have to do? I think there are two simple ways to endear yourself to the bird.

1-Do not be afraid of the bird.

2- Do not scare the bird.


Our parrot loves my son very much.

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You should avoid sudden movements. You should not reach out to the parrot and suddenly pull it back. Foreign objects can scare them. You should pay attention to this. Any colored object scares our parrot. You should treat them the way you should treat a baby. You shouldn't squeeze the parrots. I always leave the cage door open. It's can fly out of the cage whenever iwants. İt's enters the cage whenever wants.

Apart from these, when you meet its daily needs, if you pay attention to the cleanliness of its cage, its feed and water, the bird will get used to you after a while. You will see it will come to your breakfast table after a while. Then it will be put on you. Maybe it will even come to you. For all of this, all you have to do is give him some time.

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Thank you for your visit. See you. I wish you all healthy and happy days. Goodbye.

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I like this technique, does not generate traumas in the parrot and they do not become aggressive, with patience, tranquility and affection they can get used to our presence.

Yes patience, tranquility and compassion. Actually, three important things that all living things need.

Thank you very much for your interest and valuable comment.

Good coach for parrot

Thank you so much. I do my best to make it's happy.