[ENG/ESP] Chispita the only dog ​​among so many cats / Chispita la única perrita entre tantos gatos

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)


Saludos amantes de los animales he comentado en posts anteriores que tengo tres gatas, un gato y una perrita que aunque no entra al apartamento se queda en la puerta y ya forma parte de la familia.

Greetings, animal lovers, I have commented in previous posts that I have three cats, a cat and a dog that, although she does not enter the apartment, stays at the door and is already part of the family.



Un día se aparece esta cachorita cariñosa con una mirada tierna dando amor a todo el que lo quiera recibir, enseguida nos enamoramos de ella y decidimos todos en mi edificio darle cobijo.

One day this affectionate puppy appears with a tender look giving love to anyone who wants to receive it, we immediately fell in love with her and we all decided in my building to give her shelter.


Chispita nombre que que le coloque ya que era muy vivaz, nunca estaba tranquila , todavía hoy que no es cachorra sigue siendo igual, es una perrita muy inquieta y dulce aunque le gusta salirse a la calle cuando abrimos el portón a ladrarle al que este pasando en ese momento, cosa que nos preocupa porque pueden hacerle daño.

Chispita name that I gave her since she was very lively, she was never calm, even today that she is not a puppy she is still the same, she is a very restless and sweet dog although she likes to go outside when we open the gate to bark at whoever is passing by at that time, which worries us because they can harm you.


Chispita es la mejor amiga de mi gata más pequeña Rayita se la pasan persiguiendose y jugando.
Gracias a la colaboración de todos pudimos esterilizarla.
Chispita es la mascota preferida de mi esposo ya que cuando el llega del trabajo ella se alegra y le demuestra mucha el afecto que le tiene.
Todos en mi hogar la queremos y nos preocupamos por darle la vida que no tendría si estuviera en la calle.

Chispita is the best friend of my smallest cat Rayita they spend their time chasing and playing.
Thanks to everyone's collaboration, we were able to sterilize it.
Chispita is my husband's favorite pet because when he comes home from work she is happy and shows him a lot of affection for him.
Everyone in my home loves her and we care to give her the life that she would not have if she were on the street.


Si yo pudiera ayudara a más animalitos en condición de calle, tú si ves algunos ayudalo así sea dándole comida ellos te lo agradecerán.

If I could help more animals in street conditions, if you see some, help them, so be it by giving them food, they will thank you.



Gracias por leerme.

Thanks for reading me.


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