
Yep, they stick in our hearts don't they? I still think Dixie, a lovely all white cat who was so beautiful. She was taken cruelly after she was kicked in the side by a house guest. That was years ago and I still remember her every day, as I do with Merlin. The same will happen with Cleo. I hate losing them, but love having them accept the pain I know will come.

And yes, Cleo and I had a big cuddle and we talked about Merlin, whom she idolised, a little. She misses him too.

They really, really do. It is such a good thing when we can enjoy our lives with them for years before we have to say goodbye to them. But that goodbye is so hard.

Oh yes, I still remember the sad story of Dixie, and that SOB house guest - SMH - makes me sad and angry again just thinking of it. I bet it's a lot worse for you. I am sorry.

I htink about Dixie all the time but it's so sad, the ay she went...She was innocent and didn't deserve it. I makes me so mad, and sad at the same time, even now, just thinking about it. 😢