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RE: Alone

in Hive Pets2 years ago

It has always amazed me how impacted we are by our brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom (we are but animals ourselves). I have long believed that the animals we allow in our lives unfailingly make us better people. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way as even the most ancient of stories from our past include animal companions as protectors, wisdom-dealers, friends, and family.

Upon my worst days, my dogs have always been there without judgement. I don't know how people who have never had pets can truly understand unconditional love and it's impact on the soul. I constantly remind myself to be the man my Great Dane thinks I am....many days I fail.....but she is always there to nudge me with her huge melon sized head in the right direction. Through her forgiveness, I've been able to forgive myself. She has also taught me of the healing power of contentment.

I know your loss and I grieve with you even though time has passed. They are forever part of who we are.....and usually the best part.


Pets come to mean so much to us and therefore bring pain and suffering when they go, not unlike a human. I'll be honest and say that losing my cats Dixie, Gemmi and Merlin has been some of the most heart-rending moments of loss for me. I think it's something about the fact they can't speak...I always find myself fearing they didn't know how much they meant to me.

It's not a good thing, that's for sure.

But...We have their memories right? And, like you say, they impact us so greatly.

Thanks for your message.