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RE: Our little parvo survivor

in Hive Petslast year

Cat lover too 🙋‍♂️more than dogs!! cant have one now because my kids are still too young, dont want them to get allergies, their cousins have a cat and I have seen then sneeze when close to him, anyways 3 infections is no joke but cats and dogs do have awesome immune system, most of them are like battle tanks, they just keep trucking, glad your cat is ok now


Sad to hear they might have allergies! I myself think I have some mild kind, I just had a sneeze attack the other day and I think it gets triggered when there are too much fur on my face. And they are too much of them since his fur is like a cotton. 🤣 I hope someday you will get one and the kids will be okay. Hopefully it's not from the cats and was coincidence sneeze lol

Thank you!