in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello! Today I celebrate the 10th death anniversary of our family's most beloved dog, Duday. I'm not sure if this is a normal thing but I like remembering her every year. I'm not sure of our dog's exact birthdate since she was only given to us by my aunt and so I chose to remember her during her death anniversary.

(I also think the numbers of the date today is perfect and symmetrical.)

  1. 23.21 - ascending and descending


Duday left us 10 years ago with lots of wonderful memories. She's a half Japanese Spitz and half Aspin (Philippine native dog). A tiny dog with fluffy and soft white fur and a very cute eyes. Before I go out, I peek at her at her kennel and wave goodbye, and when I return home, I would immediately put my bag down and play with her for a couple of minutes. On weekends, most of my time was spent sitting in front of her kennel while playing and patting her.

Sometimes, I would peek from the door and pretend like a statue. I would stare at her without blinking nor moving my body and it made Duday confused all the time. She would stare back and when she realizes that something is not right, she would bark at me in a cute way. She's probably worried why I am not moving or maybe she thinks I'm weird. I wish cameras were more convenient back then. I could've taken thousands of photos and videos of her.

Duday stays inside our house when she was young but when she grew up, they had a kennel made for her and was put outside near the kitchen, and so she'll notice and smell whenever her food is being prepared or easily reprimand us that she is not yet fed and she's already hungry.

Her ultimate and only favorite food is chicken. If it's not chicken, it's not worth it. If she can only talk, this is probably what she'll say. Give her anything real chicken meat and she'll like it. She's not a fan of chicken-flavored dog foods as well. But she is a big fan of roasted and fried chicken.

Of course, she doesn't only stay on her kennel all the time. We let her go inside the house too especially after she was bathe. She knows to hold her pee but sometimes she can't control it. She would pee on the floor before she could go out of the house. I wish we were able to potty trained her so she no longer have to stay outside.

Duday died from heartworm disease. According to her veterinarian, she could've acquired this disease through a mosquito bite. My parents wrapped her house with mosquito net from then on but it was too late. A couple of weeks before she died, she lost appetite and sometimes she would just collapse on the floor. I hated seeing it and I wish I could've done something to prevent that from happening. Duday was the only dog I was able to hug because she was the kindest dog we've had. She never hurt people. She was a special part of my childhood which makes her even more precious for me.

Sometimes, I would dream of Duday that she is still alive. The last one was monyhs ago where I thought she was already dead, however, I found her in our home dirty, as if she was forgotten to be taken care of.


Today, I wish Duday will have a feast of all her favorite chicken recipes there in dog heaven together with all the dogs we had in the past because she had been a very good girl here on earth.

Thank you for spending nine years with us, Duday! Our family's princess. I hope someday we can meet again.

(I was supposed to create an animation video for Duday but I still can't get the chance to record the audio and I'm still trying other software where I can animate. I hope I can begin it soon.)


Hi, I'm Straykat! :)


new.pngHive PH badge by bearone. :)


Aw she was a very cute dog indeed, especially with her white fur and pink eyelids (something I particularly like in white dogs haha).

Thank you! Do you know Maya? She's a samoyed with white fur and cute pink eyelids.

No I do not.
She is so cute!