Addition to the duck family

in Hive Pets19 days ago


When I look at little chicks, I think they're incredibly strong. Can you imagine the position of the chick in the egg? If I lie down like this, it will be the last thing I'll do in my life 😁 But that's not all! In this position, you need to break the shell! That is, you need not just to lie down, but also make an effort to free yourself.

But when these kids are born, no one thinks about it anymore. The only thing you can think about here is that they are incredibly cute!

And a few more thoughts about mom-duck. This is also an example of incredible strength and patience. It's been almost a month when she doesn't leave the nest. Occasionally, she runs fast, fast to eat, drink, poop. And that's all! The rest of the time, despite the weather and other circumstances, she incubates ducks. She definitely deserves respect!







Greetings @torem-di-torem ,

Yes...a very good mother duck.

Lovely photographs of the ducklings....thank you!


The hatching from the egg is very important to the duck that owns the egg. This reflection of today is the result of day and night hard work of scratching the egg. These amazing babies look really sweet.

So sweet pics!!! ❤️ Here it's time for the newborns of the moorhens, there are many little ones on the side of the river and it's beautiful to watch them with their moms. ❤️


They have so much strength in them and are beautiful at the same time.... Can't wait for a successful hutch of all of them.... I loved the joke you made earlier about laying down like them.... I also can't imagine doing that 😂

I'm looking forward to the adult ducks.
