Troubles with Romaska

in Hive Pets8 months ago

Hi, my dear friends!

The autumn damp and cold is not good for anyone's health. Old animals suffer from it just like old people. Recently, Romashka's condition has worsened. Apart from joint problems (not to mention her cancer) another problem has appeared that we cannot find an explanation for.

A week ago she started refusing to eat, but at the same time she was trying to eat inedible things, like my peony in the flower pot. I couldn't understand what was going on! The big dog had been eating nothing but kefir and cottage cheese for three days and we couldn't figure out what was going on. I changed her food, bought tasty dog pates for her but nothing helped.

Luckily I happened to offer her boiled chicken and she ate the whole bowl! I was absolutely happy: the dog started eating! But she still refused to eat anything else even pate. It would be funny if her behaviour wasn't the result of some kind of problem. But we couldn't find anything.

Our last theory was that the dog had lost her sense of smell and could only identify as food things that had a distinct meat odour. There were no other theories left. But it was progress that she was eating something.

I tell this so that those who have an old dog know that this happens too.



Que bella su mascota, hay que entenderlos ellos también siente, lo único que les falta es hablar, hermoso Romaska.