
Glad to hear it @vincentnijman and thanks for stopping by my friend, those ears flap like you would not believe when she runs and boy does she love to run!! She's as mad as a box of spiders!

When I was a kid, other kids often made jokes about my so called 'flaporen' ( ears that stand out from your head ) or the size of my ears.

So much so that I was close to getting them operated on.

Glad I didn't do that. Now I like them and I have grown taller and more handsome with age.

I guess I can easily relate to your dog ;<)

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend buddy!

Kids can be so hurtful and cruel with their words. I'm glad you never got the Op and stayed true to yourself, fair play to you. That took bravery and courage.

We are all different. It would be pretty boring if we were all the same!

True that.
Thanks for your kind words.
In all honesty, I have to admit though that the whole anti bullying thing is taken a little too far, in some places, these days ( but the world seems to be focused on extremes and I prefer not to get into the whole woke thing to name one 'trend' ).
Kids need some ( healthy ) competition, mild bullying perhaps, to grow up as 'tough' individuals and not just softies

said the tough softie


Emjoy your day!

Interesting perspective and I can see the logic. I have three children aged 5, 7 and 10, all boys. For the most part I try not to get involved in their quarels and arguments amongst each other and their peers unless they become over physical or use bad language.

I feel it is important to give the kids space to learn resilience, conflict resolution, deplomacy etc from a young age.

There is no handbook for patenting as such, so I parent according to my own moral compass and try to be as fair and loving as possible.

It is so rewarding, but there are tough days too of course.

There is no handbook for patenting as such

You haven't patented it as of yet?
might be a money maker ;<)

It is so rewarding, but there are tough days too of course.


I have almost 10 years of uncle-ing and ( decades of ) kid sitting experience. In fact, I am kid sitting my 7 year old niece and almost 10 years old nephew. as we speak ( while my twin sister and her boyfriend are away on a 2 week holiday ). I have basically been a father figure since their birth as their dad was often absent. I am actually paid, this time, because 2 weeks is quite the responsibility.