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RE: DOMAIN ONLINE AGAIN! Cleaning work will be done during the day.

[@PowerPaul:] Yes, I agree with you. I am very happy about, too. To be honest: I doubt that he will not do this mistake again. A friend of mine lost his domain because this provider missed the re-newal 5 or 6 years ago. Very similar story as mine. The difference was I saw it within the 30 days of transfer time. If I don't would see, the domain would be gone and bought by bots. I will go in research who offers .ceo domains for which costs, has which reputation and switch my domains to another provider... I don't like to afford the acting of this provider any longer.

Buddy, thank you for staying tuned!


Domains are like identity and if such thing happens the businesses have to bear serious consequences. Lucky your prompt action made it quickly fixed. Welcome and thanks.