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RE: Promote HIVE on Facebook #HivePosh

in HivePosh3 years ago (edited)

My FB profile isn't completely dust covered, as my WordPress blogs auto post to my writers profile (aka fan) page, and I'm an admin for a friends group. I'm essentially hanging around in the hopes I can eventually move that community (23K members at the moment) over here. However, it's a great idea to spread the word of where to find me in case I get booted before that.


And since fan pages aren't able to use frames (least not that I could see), I also "framed" my page profile pic (which is the same as my Hive) on my personal, saved the picture, then uploaded it to my fan page. Oh, and added the PeakD link to my blog in both photo descriptions. 😁



EDITED TO ADD: And why stop at FB? 🤣