Time's Wisdom: Embracing Change and Maturity as Life Unfolds

in Indiaunited11 months ago

Time is the best teacher and that is so true. We all do learn so many things as we grow, after a certain age to start getting mature. We are better at understanding things, taking responsibility, and a few other changes. It doesn't mean after a certain age everyone became or behaves like a mature one, it did happen automatically. Some are mature from their childhood days and some are still irresponsible and amateur even if they are old enough.

I am feeling a lot of changes in myself recently or maybe it's been more than a year. I Am thinking a lot about my future, and my financial conditions and so many things are going on in my mind at the same. I do understand things more clearly than before, although I am a slow learner still.

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Now I do feel serious about my life now not exactly serious but kind of. I am planning for my future goals investment strategies and mostly how to save money. Do you have a decent amount of loan to repay, yes we are able to repay all the installments on time but still, I do want on as fast as we can unfortunately right now I am not in the situation to do anything to repay it fast. But I do have a few plants in my mind let's see how things will go. I am waiting for a bull run doesn't mean I am going to celebrate everything I do have but why I will try to cash out the money from different exchanges where I have invested money? I do have to pay 30% tax for that but I think it will work let's say I have invested x amount of money and it will be 50x in 2 years. Then I will happily pay 30% of my profit.

I am so there will be a way to reduce the tax on maybe I can save the tax, the best option to ignore the 30% tax is to trade via p2p. For a big amount, it can be risky but we have to take risks sometimes it is worth it for sure. If you are a married person hu maybe not but after a certain time in starting about a married life you wish you and a partner, children, a beautiful house, and other things too. After a certain is you do feel emptiness or loneliness around yourself I don't but still this is on going for generations. Main opinion if you don't think you are not ready then you shouldn't get married if you don't want to then don't don't others opinions or pressure.

Maybe you will get married today but if you are not ready today then maybe you are married life is not gonna be that much happier for you. Time is changing so fast, not all do have the patience to wait for good days. Not all do wants to struggle but everyone wants a luxury lifestyle. But that is not possible for all right?
Things that I do feel changed in me are:

  • better understanding.
  • Change in thinking.
  • Thinking about money.
  • Future plans

Do you think this is the age factor or this is common?

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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wish me luck 😅

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.


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Not everyone is able to ask themselves the questions you are asking yourself. You also have the talent to express them in writing. Success will come sooner or later! 🤗

Kind of confused with my own thoughts these days, hive seems to be a good platform to express and share my thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts mam. Have a great day and week ahead ❤️🙏

!giphy thank you so much

Time and age definitely assist in the process of decision-making and attaining wisdom. However, simply stopping and giving deep thought and attention to life's hurdles can also bring a lot of clarity!

Yes that is true, if I do looks over my mistakes that I made a few year earlier I will be like what why I have done this. Time is the best teacher 🙃.
I think I am changing, mentally and physically too. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Have a great day and week ahead 😊🙏.

!giphy true

Do you think this is the age factor or this is common?

It is 100%! When I was in my 20ies, I was starting my own company, dreaming about huge success, a lot of money, and 0 thinking about long-term future plans... Now, that I'm double age, I think more about enjoying life, working smarter, and having enough to cover a decent life... Not dreaming about the huge pile of money, but thinking about small things that can improve my life and life of people in my surroundings...

Yes as we do grow a lot of things did changed around us. Sometimes the changes are for better good for us. Sometimes it is really hard to accept the reality. Totally agree after a certain age we just want to stop all the things at once and want to live a decent Life. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts have a great day and week ahead 😊🙏.

!giphy agree

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Wow this is great.

!giphy this is good

You are welcome @bhattg, that's with pleasure! We wish you a happy buzzy week 😊👍🐝

Thanks 🙏😅🎉🔥


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I think you are getting more and more mature with time and it's natural. In fact, I am also noticing many things in my case also. I am considering financial things more at the current time and making plans for it.
30% tax is too much in my opinion and anyone will try to avoid it if there exist some way. Why anyone will give so much tax?

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this post was read, approved and voted by the curator @pataty69, and curation trail. I wish you continue to contribute with interesting and quality publications to the Hive blockchain.

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!giphy thank you so much