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RE: The Essence of Love, Care, and Positive Relationships

in Indiaunitedlast month

I think the issue sometimes is people consider themselves to only belong to the tribe, culture, or family that they are born into. But like anything else is life it is all about change. And every single person we meet is a new tribe. Like a multi venn diagram. Even in personal relationship it happens. I am in a tribe of two with my wife. We are in a larger tribe of our immediate family. Then we are in the larger family of her side, and also in a different tribe in the larger family on my side. Similar with friends. When I joined Hive I was in Tribe with one Hiver, now all of you are part of my Hive Tribe, or more precisely Hive Dreemport Tribe. If everyone can see this it may make them realize that it is in our core nature to help each other out.

Your post really made me think there :) Congratulations on a fantastic April on Hive.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife