All Dressed for Career Day!

in Indiaunited3 months ago (edited)

Career day at elementary/primary schools is a tradition common in my country that allows children to be taught about different professions and also ignite their dream . I remember in my time as a primary school pupil, it was one of those days where we felt more proud and positive about our future because we were adorned with each of our respective aspiration costumes.



So when my daughter's school reached out to us parents through the school's WhatsApp platform about this year's career day, even as an adult, it made me excited as I started looking forward to D-day, and also made sure my children had their complete costume ready for the day, their chosen costumes were doctor and nurse respectively, which was quite easy for me to make for them compared to other costumes like that of an engineer or soldier. I would have still bought them anyway If they were the profession chosen for my daughters.


I made sure to ask about the criteria their teachers follow before assigning a profession to a child, and I was made aware of how the process is done, different professions are written on pieces of paper and folded into a basket, which is passed around for the pupils to make their pick randomly, they are not just given, it's a totally random process, which I find interesting, as it gives every child the opportunity to embrace and learn more about whatever profession they have chosen. It is a yearly program so they can probably have a change the next year.


As I approached my child's school on this highly anticipated morning, I could feel the excitement in the air right from the street that led to their school compound, children elegantly adorned in their props/costumes with a bright smile on their faces, followed by some of their parents who also wore same excitement and satisfaction on their faces seeing their mini professionals. At the ring of the morning bell, they all gathered at the school assembly ground, eager to show off their chosen careers to their classmates as the headmistress led their usual morning devotion and also gave them directions to the hall where the career day event would be taking place.


Before the event kick-started, they were all gathered according to their professions, and these beautiful shots were taken, I made sure to take personal pictures with my mobile device as well, memories like this are worth keeping, so I'll show my daughter on her wedding day how she started as a mini doctor lol.


As I wandered from each section of professionals, I couldn't help but feel impressed at the dedication and excitement these children exhibited. The doctors, surgeons, fashion designers, footballers, lawyers, accountants, pilots, even a space woman, I haven't found the right name for this costume below, I just call her a space girl. Lol.


One moment that particularly touched my heart was witnessing a group of children dressed as surgeons, and I asked one of them, what does a Surgeon do? And the little boy right in the middle answered me that he operates to save lives like his mother and little brother were saved when she gave birth to him, I felt so touched, these children really do understand what we adults go through sometimes, this is evidence that he was grateful for the service that helped save his mum and little brother and already hoping to save more mums and babies at this young age, I hope his dream comes to pass and our failed system doesn't lead him to something else in the future out of frustration, as this is what some of us faced while growing up.


It was indeed a humbling experience, to be reminded of the amazing potentials that resides within each child. In their innocent curiosity and determination, they were open to all professions and listened with keen interest as the invited speakers spoke about their professions, some parents were kind enough to volunteer as special guests, and there was a lawyer, chef, pilot, banker, and fashion designer parent.

Amidst the laughter and fun day, I couldn't help but ponder about the goal of such an event. Career Day serves not only as a fun celebration of dreams but also as a powerful tool for nurturing ambition and impacting the children with knowledge of the diverse types of professions, we plant the seeds of curiosity and open their minds to the desires that they may have, I felt a sense of hope and optimism for the future. These young minds, coming up with creativity and potential, will one day shape the world we live in. They will be the engineers who design towering skyscrapers, the doctors who save lives, and the artists who entertain.


I pray they indeed become the leaders of tomorrow, and not the recycled leaders in powers that have frustrated this generation and we are forced to keep accepting archaic ideas. This career day serves as a beacon of hope to all of us parents and teachers, a reminder that the future is not a distant dream but an actual reality waiting to be shaped as long as we take care of them and lead them on the right path, it was indeed a day well spent, and I hope you enjoy going through the career day pictures with me.

All images used in this post are mine.

This post was also inspired by the #Marchinleo monthly topics, Day12, with the topic Fashion, do check the announcement post to join in.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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The pictures are unique. I remember when I was like them. I wouldn't sleep overnight anytime we are having career day. But, if you asked me what I wanted become in the future, my answers were numerous. "I like Doctor. I'm is a enginaaarr... I would converse with that rubbish English, and proceed....... Nooooooo! That's after hearing my close friends mentioning what they wanted to become. There was a time I said I would like to become a fisher man. Whaaattttt, My teacher exclaimed! When he asked why, I said I followed the step of one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, based on the scripture and the teachings of our pastor. Lol. Children don't know what they want. Parents are in the right position to watch, support and guide them on the right part as they grow, because they are very naive at that stage. I love kids. It's a natural calling. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Doctor was the norms in my time as well, , Fisherman what? Lol🤣🤣🤣🤣 such innocence, that is why career days are observed to help clear that confusion

Thanks for this comment, cracked me up so bad🤣🤣

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Career day is always an exciting day for kids, a few weeks back, my next door neighbor's son was doing their career day. It was fun watching the mother preparing him for the day's activities.

No doubt you had a lot of fun with those kids, and thank you for blessing our chain with these captivating pictures.


Career day is always very exciting. I remembered the last time we had an event like this at my place of work, the children were all happy wearing outfit on the profession they chose, I felt bad then that I lost those pictures but seeing these beautiful pictures you shared did bring back memories.

Thank you for sharing.