My Childhood Memory!

in Indiaunitedlast month

Hello, everyone!

I'm thrilled to be here in this community and to do justice to this topic.

Every human has memories of their childhood days, although these memories may not always be clear due to various conditional occurrences. However, these memories are recounted by parents or close relatives. My childhood days were profound, and whenever my mind went to the past, it was to be glorious to recount those days. Some memories were streamline on my mind with a smile on face.

Last month, I was in the village, and my dad and mum kept reminding me of how I had been, sick to the point of death. And, I asked them how the sickness came about. My parents gave me accurate answers to what triggered the sickness that I almost gave up. According to my dad and mum, the natural treatment given to me by the native doctor almost took my life away, just on the way returning to the house. Immediately my dad drove into the compound my grandma came from no way to collect me from my mother's hand, and my mum blocked her from touching me.

My mum's response to my grandma's reaction gave me joy as she used to say. She said, Mma leave my child alone, "if she is going to die, let her die". "The Lord gave and He taketh". Immediately after my mum made this statement, I became healed and restored. I that was slim became fatter. At least, I saw the pictures of my childhood and how I looked.

Several awful experiences would have taken my life but I overcame by the power of God. I used to think if that sickness could not kill me, then, there is a purpose of God in my life that must be fulfilled.

Since that period, I haven't experienced such a scenario, even as I have grown up, to show that I have a lot on my agenda to achieve. God meant me for a purpose and it must be actualize.

Another scenario as a child, was when I was led in my heart to pray for my for my small cousin who was sick. This memory is still intact in my mind and at times when I recall this, I used to laugh, asking myself if I would have been able to do it?. But I didn't obey the voice that was echoing in my heart. I took my cousin to church that day and the following day in the middle of the night he gave up and I went inside the room and cried.

I enjoyed my childhood days and the experiences were fulfilling. The roles and responsibilities of my parent made my childhood days experiential. Nevertheless, without my parents life wouldn't be easier. They made my childhood experiences great and they did well in their prayers. This is the grown-up lady who has passed through all the waves of life. God has been faithful and I can't tell you all the things He has done.
I'm striving hard to make money and live a good life to repay them for the good things they did for me as a child. I could recall how my parents turned our room into a prayer house just for my sake.

Therefore, my childhood days were filled. I thank God I didn't give up and my parents did not give on me.

This is my response to the #IndiaUnited topic suggested in "MY BEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY" You can join here

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Thank you for reading through my blog.

I love, I care, and I forgive.