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RE: The Essence of Love, Care, and Positive Relationships

in Indiaunitedlast month (edited)

God created this world out of love and with love but I wonder where the hate and discrimination is coming from...If only we could love each other like they are part of us then the world will be a better place

Wow! I admire your growth and consistency Ma'am, keep thriving
Happy HPUD though I have no idea what it means 🫣


That is it..but it's becoming hard to show genuine love without expecting things in return

Aww, thanks
You don't know what hpud means? It means hive power up day. Meaning you power up some liquid hive to increase ur HP and increase ur vote value and curation reward

I don't know how to explain it better but I think you should have applied for newbies program in hive learners community?

I applied and did my intro on discord since February but no response till now 😭

Please go there now and few hours, the list of applicants who responded to the instruction given today will be taken for the program

Okay ma'am, but where do I respond exactly