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RE: Collectorz Club Gen1 SOLD OUT in 13 Minutes - Now LIVE on Magic Eden

in Visionary Studios2 years ago (edited)

Using a exploit, is literally what hacking is... Thanks for demonstrating your lack of understanding for the general public.

Network security is litterally defined by the logic "you are only as strong as your weakest link".


the network wasn't hacked or exploited. a single wallet provider was.... this has happened on other layer ones (like bitcoin, ethereum and more) and has nothing to do with the network security itself lol

I won't use ethereum because of the DAO 2016 so it is very much in line with my expectations of a project.

From 2013, 0 of my coins have been touched by anyone other than me, and I intend to keep it that way.

I hope those developers were publicly ridiculed for the insult they made of their end users.

Right now on zcash, there is a bunch of wallets asking for financing, and they will not like what I have to say if they don't deliver cryptography that is equal to that of the ZK-SNARK.

I'm very over the cheap short cut coins and wallets and will be denouncing them as I see it, if the coin is still in circulation in 2030, after quantum tangibility hits consumer hackers and criminals, then I will be taking a serious look at what chains are still standing, I still have doubts about Solana, but have not read the white paper yet, so I am just an uninformed member of the public with that coin, that has not earned my trust or endorsement yet.