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RE: In the Beginning Part 2 and a Half~ New Earth

in Scholar and Scribe2 years ago (edited)

"Many a late night, you could hear the cackles from the Witches Three mixed in with the laughter of unicorns."

I would travel really far just to see unicorns rolling with laughter! 😁

🤔 WHO journeyed to have a hangnail pain relieved? Maybe the Witches should franchise out a bit of their magic. 😜

Poor Ayaan had wanted was an easy life brimming with ordinariness and now he has royalty tracking him down for a task of upmost importance and a gorgeous bride to be who may accidentally be the death of him! He seems an easy going sort so he'll adjust (though he might need to tattoo 'breathe' on his hand). 😂


Some weeb that could not handle a hang nail :D Did you want the job? LOLL

HAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love the tattoo idea :D I might have to get that :D