Part one can be found here In the Beginning.
Part two can be found here In the Beginning Part 2 - New Earth
Dear Reader, we need to backtrack in our tale. Many ominous rumors are brewing in New Earth. The new King and Queen are smart enough to keep their eyes and ears out for any disturbing news from all sources in the land.
Word had gotten out far and wide about how wonderful it was to live near the King and Queen of New Earth. You were given work and paid a fair wage. Housing wasn't a problem either. There was plenty of room to grow.
The most challenging part of getting to the castle was that there was no easy road. You had hills to climb, rivers to cross, and food to carry. Only the strongest survived.

The Witches Three were one such group of survivors. By the time the Witches Three called at the castle's front doors, they had required care for over a month to build their strength again. During this time, they became great friends with the King and Queen. Many a late night, you could hear the cackles from the Witches Three mixed in with the laughter of unicorns.
Queen Isla and King Elgar found out the Witches Three were sisters. Together they formed one of the most potent trios in the land. They were hunted far and wide by both good and bad people asking for help. It could be to help make the pain of a hangnail go away, or they were asked to kill someone because of a lover's quarrel. They just wanted a small home in the woods to live out their days in peace.
Queen Isla and King Elgar promised the sisters they had a home anywhere in the surrounding woods to call home.
Healthy once again, the Witches Three searched the woods for a perfect place to live. Finding just what they were looking for, a small, modest home was built for them. No trail was left to the house when the workers were done. The sisters had a few months before a knock at their door sounded.
Queen Isla and King Elgar stood in the doorway in their best regal gear. They were making an official call to the sisters. Their story of the hazards they had faced while trying to get to the castle safely bothered both King and Queen to no end. A plan was had, but an exceptional person was going to be needed to help carry it out. They now needed the Witches Three's help.
The Witches Three spent a fortnight, in this world and the next, looking for a person who could help the kingdom they had given their hearts to. Finally, they found the perfect person to take over the essential task on the fourteenth day. He went by the name of Ayaan Arroyo.
Ayaan's original story was written eight months ago by me, Snook
Ayaan Arroyo was a common guy. He grew up in an ordinary neighborhood, went to common schools, and got common grades. Not bad grades. Just common ones.
Through College, he sailed on with his common ways. Ultimately, he received an ordinary diploma to help him for the rest of his life. He saw a fantastic future of every day delights. He would get a job at a bank and be a teller all his life.
Or so he thought...
Ayaan was so common there was not a task he could not do. He knew just enough about everything there was to do. This set well with him and his typical little house, keeping him warm and cool at night.
He slowly rose in rank at his branch of The Bank. He went from Teller to Drive-thru, to loan officer, and more until he found himself at the top.
Now one would think Ayaan's position would go to his head. A bigger house and car must have been on the list. Yet, no, he still loved his common home in his typical neighborhood, driving his standard vehicle. He was content and just rolled along in his job and life.
Ayaan walked into his office on Monday morning and was blinded by a light. He reached for the door to walk back out but could not find the handle in the bright light. He didn't panic while making his way toward his desk.
One step, two steps, three, and four. Ayaan's office was not this big to still be walking, yet that is what he kept doing. If you can not go backward, then forward it is. Any ordinary person knows about this!
Soon he found himself feeling trees. Huh, he thought to himself.
Ayaan was sucked into the light. Adjusting his eyes to a little less glow, he took in the surroundings he now found himself in. Before Ayaan stood a beautiful white Unicorn with a dainty gold crown on her head. Next to her, Ayaan took two sidesteps right because three would not have been expected and saw the biggest, meanest-looking black stallion anyone could ever encounter.
The stallion, King Elgar, nodded his head at Ayaan Arroyo, which helped him relax just a tiny bit. Behind him, he heard a squeak and turned to see a young girl dressed in a long black veil over her head secured by flowers in her hair. Huh, he said to himself once again.
Before he could look any further, his head was filled with an exquisite voice. The voice explained to him why he was called. She told him they required a banker to help take care of them all.
Like all his life, Ayaan looked at the situation he found himself in and studied it a bit inside his common head. He asked common questions anyone would want to know. Why him? Why Now? Why Brown Cow? Errr, Queen of, of? And he trailed off. For the first time ever, Ayaan Arroyo could not finish a sentence.
Queen Isla took pity on Mr. Ayaan and filled him in on all the plans she and her husband had for him and why it was to be him.
She told him they had to start looking to New Earth's future. How they needed to start slowly interacting with others out in the wild west. She explained a road needed to be built and supplies to be had. How they needed him to set up a trust that would last seven thousand fairy years in all.
He would have help from the fairy called Bricky Blu. She was as wonderful as him.
A rustle to his right had Ayaan glancing at the little girl covered in her black veil, fluttering her wings that sent up sparks into the night.
Running his hands over his commonly shaped dome of a head, Ayaan deducted the little girl wasn't so little. He bowed her way to show he saw her and turned back to the Queen of New Earth to tell her no.
With his head slowly swinging back around, he saw the most beautiful person in all the world. His breath caught in his throat. His eyes widened, his mouth dropping open. She was definitely not ordinary!
King Elgar could be heard chuckling as his wife hit him with her rump. In a blink of the stallion's eye, Ayaan found himself encased in stunning robes of green and gold. The colors from his new robes reflected the light from the fire. Green sparkles filled the air.
Across the room, Princess Iris, Protector of Flowers, lifted her head. She stared straight into Ayaan's eyes. Iris nodded her head while butterflies danced around her in the light.

Ayaan felt a nudge on his back that sent him flying across the room into Princess Iris's waiting arms. Her laughter filled the air as she caught him before he hit the wall. This was not common at all!
Ayaan turned to Princess Iris, soon to be his wife if you have not yet caught on to that part. She held his hands and told him he must stay, or she would wither and die if he didn't. You see, flower princesses only love once in their lives. If he left, she would slowly wilt and die.
Ayaan, the common man he was, did not want to be responsible for anyone's death. He just didn't know if he would survive being around Princess Iris because he was having difficulty catching his breath.

Queen Isla cleared her throat and proclaimed all was settled. Ayaan Arroyo would stay and be the head Banker. Princess Iris took Ayaan's hand and led him down the hallway, butterflies following all the way.

Now, Queen Isla and King Elgar turned their eyes to Bricky Blu...
You can find part 3 here: In the Beginning Part 3~ New Earth
Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.
Thumbnail: Photo by ZCH
Door: Photo by Jonathan Borba
All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

I SEE all of this as if I'm watching it play out before me! hehehehehe I love when you talk to the reader - like you're letting them in on a little secret!!
and i love Ayaan! hahahaha with his common world!!! LOL of course he needs a match (in opposite) for to make his life utterly- UNCOMMON!!
hehehehe this flowed beautifully too - i feel like i'm getting all the back stories naturally - and being tugged along for the bigger picture! hehehehe
its perfect!!! and i'm so excited for part 3!!!!!! hahahahahaha
Thank YOU!!
Now I finally feel ready to tell part three :D
No one of importance is missing!
you tied it all together very nicely and prepared us for what's coming!!!!
Thank You
Yes, I remember reading about Ayaan. 😃 Nicely done! I will try to keep abreast of further developments, regarding Bricky Blu. 😄
Thank You!!!
It was as if I was seeing a movie and that was one heck of a conversation going on in between, I loved the fact that princess Iris was there for Ayaan, it made everything more fun to watch, I meant read 😅.
What a great story!! I'm happy it ended well for Ayaan despite all the self doubts that played out.
Many Hugs sent your way!!
You are very much welcomed 🥰.
Thank You so SO SO Much!
Love you, Little Brother!!
Just no.
What happens... Ayaan? Light? The Three Witches (wait, I think I dated a couple of them and took the last to Prom...? Maybe?)
What happens to King and Queen?
What about the road...? and Pooor man's office... when will it be less than 4 large steps and have less light and fewer trees? Can't a guy get an Office chair any more?
THANK YOU so much for making me laugh!! I SO SO needed that!!
You will have to wait until Friday for the last part to find out more :D
There's such a thing as Email
Don't make me laugh so hard. I have holes in my body that need a few days to heal :D
OMGosh I am still laughing!
let me know if you need help plugging any holes.
Princess iris is Very beautiful... Followed by Butterflies...
Thank You for stopping to read my story!
You Most Welcome Dear..
Feeling interested to know what will happen in the last part . It's a good thing that i don't need to wait long time for it because last part will gonna publish tomorrow.
Ayaan Arroyo!!!! It's a new character for me . Feeling good to know about Ayaan Arroyo.
Thank you!! I am so happy you like the story!@!
What a smasher of common ways for good ol' Ayaan, that Princess Isla is. He said, "No," to the king and queen but then the princess took his breath away and stole his heart. A banker whose wife is a thief. Good plot twist. Hehehe!
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Thanks! You always should have a good love story snuck in there somewhere :D
Yes, you should 🤗
This is incredible...
The whole twist is just perfect 👌 for a common guy like Ayaan with Iris, the most beautiful flower princess by his side as a wife.
I MUST find out what happens next because I can't wait to see what comes next tomorrow 👌.Your clock is ticking, @snook ⏱⏱⏱
Great story 👍
Thank You so so much!!! I am so happy you are loving the story!
"Many a late night, you could hear the cackles from the Witches Three mixed in with the laughter of unicorns."
I would travel really far just to see unicorns rolling with laughter! 😁
🤔 WHO journeyed to have a hangnail pain relieved? Maybe the Witches should franchise out a bit of their magic. 😜
Poor Ayaan had wanted was an easy life brimming with ordinariness and now he has royalty tracking him down for a task of upmost importance and a gorgeous bride to be who may accidentally be the death of him! He seems an easy going sort so he'll adjust (though he might need to tattoo 'breathe' on his hand). 😂
Some weeb that could not handle a hang nail :D Did you want the job? LOLL
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love the tattoo idea :D I might have to get that :D
Awww. Man! I rushed here as fast as I could and it stops at Bricky again? Whhhhyyyy? Why would you not let my heart rest? And Ayaan...hehehe. is he as bald? 🤣... What a duo. The Queen and her spouse are a match made in...the land! She hit him with her rump!!! 🤣🤣🤣... I don't know why that is funny but it is.
Me: Ayaan, can I tell you something?
Ayaan: yeah sure. Go for it.
Me: never say no. The power of a woman is unimaginable.
A slight pause
Ayaan: I don't doubt it.
He says as he looks at Iris, who giggles while rubbing his head.
it made me laugh too :D
and ahhh.... tomorrow's story has Bricky Blu in it :D
I think Ayaan will be a very happy man :D
yes ... your number bending 2.5 part was indeed needed.. now to finish with part 3
Thanks!! I thought so too...
Catching up just in time...