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RE: In the Beginning Part 2 and a Half~ New Earth

in Scholar and Scribe • 2 years ago

Awww. Man! I rushed here as fast as I could and it stops at Bricky again? Whhhhyyyy? Why would you not let my heart rest? And Ayaan...hehehe. is he as bald? 🤣... What a duo. The Queen and her spouse are a match made in...the land! She hit him with her rump!!! 🤣🤣🤣... I don't know why that is funny but it is.

Me: Ayaan, can I tell you something?

Ayaan: yeah sure. Go for it.

Me: never say no. The power of a woman is unimaginable.

A slight pause

Ayaan: I don't doubt it.

He says as he looks at Iris, who giggles while rubbing his head.



I don't know why that is funny but it is.

it made me laugh too :D

and ahhh.... tomorrow's story has Bricky Blu in it :D

I think Ayaan will be a very happy man :D