
this is your own 3 part story :)

first - you can do an intro post answering these questions here.

everyone did theirs on Monday
but its ok - you can just do it now! hehehe

and then follow the instructions for entering your part 1 for Friday! :)

Ask me questions if you need help! hehehe or you can come into the discord channel and ask for help too hahahah

(just let me know what you need!)

What if i close a trilogy of mine with that post and be done with it? XD I have two short storys that are 1 and 2, and there is a missing thirt as the 2 dint sold so well... So :V would it be valid? XD

is 1 and 2 already published on Hive?

@dibblers.dabs and @jfuji ... question here? :)

will you weigh in on this? hehehehe

S&S doesn't require the work to be exclusive to the community, so long as it's noted where the work appears elsewhere online. If the posts are already on Hive, we'd also accept a cross-post to S&S, though earning our tokens probably wouldn't happen if the content is old.

Generally we try and be as flexible as possible without allowing things to get out of control, haha.

i like that! flexible without chaos.

bendy!! hehehehe

hope that answers his question! thanks so much!

@jesustiano here is your answer hehehe

Is on hive :D but are months old hahaha. They were on music :)