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RE: Finally Still...

Marsai's key to freedom; burying yourself to drown out the unpleasantness. What makes parents think that 12-year old children don't hear or see? A swollen, black eye doesn't dissolve overnight. And what makes the parents think that children won't go outside the home and accidentally share this with someone else. The right someone else could eventually end this turmoil before it becomes deadly.

Oh what a mess the wrong type parents can make of a child's life growing up. Sometimes staying together is not the cure. But sadly, many mothers stay for the sake of the children. And that sometimes is not the solution.

Thanks so much for this thoughtful and thought-provoking story that is all too true in everyday life. Unfortunately for many, the end is tragic for both parent (mostly the mom) and child. Excellent portrayal of an unhealthy family dynamic.

Take care.


Yeah, that's the excuse they mostly give for staying. That it's for the children. But I'm yet to see a person that benefitted or didn't end up jaded and scarred from being in that kind of environment.

I'm glad you resonated with this story because it did take something from me writing it. I felt deeply with the characters and it's beautiful that you kind of share in the feeling I was trying to portray. Have a wonderful week ahead, friend.🌺

Growing up, I had living living in households where strife was prevalent. Hearing about it in school just broke my heart. Back then, the resources weren't in place to help children as there are today. Still, the problem persists.

Thank you for sharing. Stories like this exist whether we tell them or not. It's difficult to hear, but so close to the everyday truth of our society.

Take care.