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RE: The cure is in the disease

in Scholar and Scribe2 months ago

Jude has been born in a difficult life situation and unfortunately, his mother has to work him very hard. This brings about a crisis in the young man, who decides to takes his chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, he gets beaten by mob

Then, I suddenly felt tons of heavy hands on me, hitting every part of my body. I let them as I had no strength left to fight back to free myself.

Fortunately, the mother saves the days, showing that in spite of the difficult conditions of their lives, family bonds are still very strong even when they are toxic, so in some way, the cure is in the disease.

One thing I'm not clear on is why the mob attacked him in the first place. So this could be explained further.

It was fun to read your interpretation of the prompt.


Thank you

I will make sure all questions readers could have around my plots are answered in the future.