The cure is in the disease

in Scholar and Scribe2 months ago

I hate this life and I hate my mum as well. I sat on the bare ground under a huge tree that had cast a wide shade in a corner of the farm. I stared in the surection where my mum has been working tirelessly with no rest for an hour now and I shook my head.
I was beyond exhausted.

“Mum, that’s enough for the day. I’m tired!” I shouted across to her and I waited as my voice travelled over to her.

She didn't reply but continued to till the ground.

“Mum. I said I’m tired. I’m going home now,” immediately after I said this, she stood up and turned around to face me.

“You wouldn’t dare to take a single step away from here. The only step you would take is closer to me while we work together!!” she stresses with every word to make me know she wasn't kidding.

So, I did the unexpected, I ran out of the farm and didn't look back even when she called after me.

“Jude!” I heard her call for the last time as I took the sharp corner that led to the main road.

I ran farther without reducing the speed I started with, as though I had been chased by her. I ran with everything in me as though I was in danger and she was chasing after me. I ran till I could feel my breath cease and I was about to pass out. I ran till I was so far away from the farm.

“I hate this life. I hate this life she brought me into!” I yelled at no one in particular as I tried to catch my breath.

I sat outside a gate with my knees folded to my chest as I breathed heavily, wiping the tears that had been forced out by the breeze as I ran.

“Why must she be so hard on me? Why the hell did she bring me into this world? I have no siblings or any friends. Does she enjoy seeing me lonely? So lonely that the only companion she thinks I need is to work me till my death?!” I sobbed to myself as I rested my head on my knee, soaking it with my tears.

My dad died when I was ten and now I am twenty. My dad made it very easy for us by providing for every necessity to live life. He made sure we never lacked and never had to work so hard to be comfortable but everything changed after he died. One mistake he made was that he didn't make provisions for us in case of his demise. I mean, he was just forty-five when he died, no one would prepare to be dead that young.

My mum made me work hard for every penny I spent and every single thing I ate when she could have just accepted the sweet words from one of her suitors to make life much easier for us.

I thought hard for some minutes when I slowly raised my head only to be met by the sight of the mob, running in my direction. This was a usual thing here, a usual but dangerous thing so I got up instantly and ran.

I ran as fast as I ran from the farm then I heard from behind me. “Over there!”

I ran so fast that it felt as though my soul was leaving my body. As I was about to take a corner, I tripped and fell on my face. I had blood seeping impatiently down my forehead to my eyes, blinding my view.

Then, I suddenly felt tons of heavy hands on me, hitting every part of my body. I let them as I had no strength left to fight back to free myself.

Blood mixed with my own tears rolled down from my eyes as the punches landed on me but from nowhere, I heard my mum’s voice as she pulled through the crowd.

“Leave my son alone!” she yelled at the top of her voice and just like she had some power on her tongue, they were all dispersed.

I was now left with my mum who with my blurry sight was crying profusely.

“Oh, my baby,” she cried as she slowly helped me up. “Oh, my dear Jude.”

As I stood to my feet, I felt the pain in every part of my body. I groaned out in pain as I struggled to take some steps but the thought of how precious my mum is never left my mind.

I have fought so hard to be free and to find solace somewhere else when in fact, my freedom and solace were with my mum. She brought me into this world, she was only the one who could make me live well in this world. The cure in fact is in the disease.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hmmmm! This is deep
You were looking for peace and freedom else where not knowing that it was right beside you.

But you self, small farm work, you dey run 😂 where were you running to self

She mocking my character again 😂😂😂
He doesn't like suffering, leave him alone 🤣🤣🤣

This was emotional
I can’t even imagine having an okay family and then after the death of a dad, everything goes sideways


It happens to a lot of people 😔

Jude has been born in a difficult life situation and unfortunately, his mother has to work him very hard. This brings about a crisis in the young man, who decides to takes his chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, he gets beaten by mob

Then, I suddenly felt tons of heavy hands on me, hitting every part of my body. I let them as I had no strength left to fight back to free myself.

Fortunately, the mother saves the days, showing that in spite of the difficult conditions of their lives, family bonds are still very strong even when they are toxic, so in some way, the cure is in the disease.

One thing I'm not clear on is why the mob attacked him in the first place. So this could be explained further.

It was fun to read your interpretation of the prompt.

Thank you

I will make sure all questions readers could have around my plots are answered in the future.