
Your lips are like a river
in this heat.We are grafted bark
to bark,form a new whole,
a new tree throwing hands
at the reluctant breeze.You drown me
in your eyes,& my body never finds
the sediments.In the delirium
of our high,You body
the only planet circumnavigating
the cosmos,I hear the vehicle
of harmattan,the soft sussuration
of your breath.We leave
our shape behind, a map
of where our hands have been.
We watch birds weave nests
on our new leaves.



I love the coherence between the lines, till the finish line I was unable to take a pause, it is captivating.

Nice poem.

I thank you for feeling this piece. I'm grateful to the muse.

Lovely as always. Love the last line in particular.

Thank you. I'm glad this reached you.

I take it this is a metaphor for life itself. A parallel between the physical and natural world? 🤷‍♂️

Regardless, well written, and well executed, with plenty of meaning to be found for the reader. Now, this is a good poem. 👏👏

If I was to give you the tiniest of advice. I'd say maybe orbiting would of suit the word structure a bit more than circumnavigating. 😇

Thanks for sharing this lovely piece. @warpedpoetic. 🍻

Yeah you're right. Orbiting is cleaner fit. Thanks for the suggestion. Most times when I write to submit on hive, I don't do much editing. Thank you for reading.

I completely understand man. I'm the same. 😁