The cost of living in a country that does not allow you to move on.

in Home Edders3 years ago

This contest by @ocd seems very interesting to me and probably many of those who live in my country will understand how broad and difficult this topic is.



My country used to abound in wealth, we had a “good” life, we were not rich, but we could afford almost everything, currently the cost of living here is incalculable, it is really unpredictable to say how much exactly is needed to live here, education, medical services, food, medicine, anything is excessively expensive compared to the monthly salary of people who work on the street, risking their time, integrity and health for a salary that does not really satisfy the basic needs of anyone .


The salary doesn't even reach the dollar

How can anyone live like this?

These are things that I ask myself daily and I have a family that only earns that monthly, my mother is one of those people who only earns LESS THAN A DOLLAR A MONTH, obviously I help her get ahead in everything she needs, because I understand that it is impossible survive on that salary.
In my country, the economy is so bad that not even the circulating bills of our currency are worth absolutely nothing ... you can't really pay even a ticket to the cinema with that.

Calculating the price of food, for example, weekly to acquire all the products that are needed, simple things that are in your home are spent approximately more than $ 100 usd, the prices of each product are directly anchored to the value of the dollar, dollar the which every day its price rises more in my country and that from this the price is calculated in bolivars, it is crazy!
With the current situation of covid-19 I have seen cases of people who denounce excessive prices in medical supplies, so currently in my home we are taking care not to go out at all, literally if we all got sick we would not have to pay for all the COVID treatment .
A couple of weeks ago we had to go to the doctor for some complications not related to COVID, however, I was impressed by the amount of money we spent approximately $ 70 between medicines and the medical appointment, again I repeat, the minimum wage is less than $ 1 usd.


These last few months have been good for me despite the economic situation that sinks my country more every day, I have managed to get ahead and at this moment I have the power to support my family and from time to time give ourselves "luxuries" that really they are things that could be easily bought anywhere else, for some time I realized that the situation would get worse so I had to take charge of the matter and move forward so as not to get carried away by inflation.

Products for the home, shops, fast food, clothing, are some of the stores where I have bought in recent months and it is impressive how imported products and things abound but obviously they are unattainable for someone who has a normal job, in addition to these Shops are usually mostly paid in dollars, there are many that do not accept bolivars, currently I have gotten some stores that accept payments in cryptocurrencies which for me is an advance, something great that I would like them to implement in many places, so I would avoid the procedure of changing my dollars to bolivars and then transfer and pay for a product.


The economy at the educational level:

I really do not have much knowledge of it but some friends have told me about the high cost of studying, recently a friend told me about a university which cost was extremely exaggerated, a few years ago I was studying graphic design I had to abandon the career precisely due to the high costs since each month was a fairly large increase and my salary at that time was not enough to continue covering my studies, so you can imagine what it will be like now ... at this moment everything is triple from then.

My country is bad economically, however there are many people still here who continue to move forward and who with ingenuity have started businesses, or are looking for a way to get extra money without having to settle for a basic salary, a critical economic situation, but with people who are still fighting for the country, who still have faith in it and who dare to invest money in producing here.


Hi there! I am very sad right now because of what is happening in your country, Venezuela. You are the third person that posted about the cost of living in Venezuela and your stories are the same, it hurts me more when I read more about your country, I feel you because I was a farmer's son, we were poor. I was only able to afford and provide for my family right now because I am blessed to be able to finish college and work for a reputable company.

Hang in there! My heart is with you. Keep fighting, it is what we are, we fight until our last air of breath. And let's pray that your government finds ways to tackle hyperinflation.


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Mejor no lo pudiste haber expresado,comparto totalmente tu punto de vista. Me alegra por lo menos te esté yendo bien en medio de todo este caos. Saludos!!

Gracias! Sii de verdad es difícil la situación pero hay que seguir adelante como se pueda


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oohh! thank you, it's a pleasure for me.

My country used to abound in wealth, we had a “good” life, we were not rich, but we could afford almost everything

This sounds so similar to what happened in Argentina. I think seeing several countries having gone this way, some in first world countries fear this could happen there too.