Learning about tradition and equality with cloth dolls.

in Home Edders2 years ago
Hello to all the members and great family of @homeedders at present our children are attracted to toys that involve technologies, although I consider that they have always been attracted to the toy that has more flashy elements, however, there are toys that are part of the tradition and culture of the people and that we can do with our little ones so that they not only have something that they have made but also reinforces their cultural connection with their environment.

Source: @emimoron

In all cultures tradition is the fundamental pillar of the union of people who gather around a historical memory, patterns and values in common. In my country a toy that has become a source of inspiration of our traditions are the cloth dolls in each region of the country are made differently and represent a part of that feeling of the people. It is difficult to know exactly how long they have existed or have appeared because there are records of them since the colonial period. In my case my grandmother was a doll maker and I learned with her and today I like to be able to teach other girls and boys (because it is an activity that both can do although it has been attributed to the female gender) to make cloth dolls.

Source: @emimoron

The making of these dolls involves the development of various skills and abilities as well as learning the use of sewing patterns, thread, needle, squares, marking the fabric, cutting and even creativity to make their dresses and ornaments. The making of the cloth dolls even serves to show the children that we should not create distinctions in skin color or race because in the end the architect and great creator of everything in the universe has made us with love with the scraps of fabric of everything he found and therefore we are all equal. That reminds me of an anecdote with the son of a friend who one day at home was very frustrated making a drawing, when I looked at the drawing I asked him what it was about and why his expression of sadness? The child told me: Today we have been given these caricatures of ourselves and the teacher has told us to paint them but in my colors I see one that says skin color but that is not the color of my skin so my color is not the right one.

Source: @emimoron

That answer filled me with sadness and the same frustration that he felt, so I told him that your skin color is beautiful and it is the right one, only that each of us human beings have so many colors that there are not enough crayons to represent us. Since then I decided that by making my dolls I would show the girls and boys that we should not discriminate by color, shape, clothing, accessories or any other element with which they want to make us different. We make the dolls as the children dream and want them because we are all perfect.

Source: @emimoron

Well I have not yet explained how they are made and it is very simple, we take a piece of fabric or several pieces and mark on it the patterns of body parts. In the case of the children I draw on a piece of paper the patterns that they will then take to the fabrics. Once the body patterns are marked and cut, we sew each one on the sides leaving a space to introduce the stuffing that can be made of fabric or stuffing material used for pillows and cushions. When we have each part stuffed we proceed to join the body parts and form the doll.

Source: @emimoron

Source: @emimoron

Once we have the parts together we proceed to make the clothes that we will put on the doll and our doll or doll will be ready. As I say they are pieces of tradition that allow as an activity the learning of values, tradition, culture and the development of creativity as well as motor skills.


Bendiciones @emimoron !! Es una estrategia muy interesante porque además de desarrollar la creatividad e imaginación en los niños les ayudará a tener pensamientos positivos de autoestima , también conocerán y fortalecerán las raíces familiares y su identidad.
Feliz noche.

Wow, they made their own dolls. Good job and congratulations. It is a good thing that your grandmother passed her skill to you in making that traditional doll.

A charming activity full of tradition but also of values. It is very rewarding when children get to do things that take them away from the digital for a moment.