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RE: Let's meet and learn about TYPES OF POEMS

in Home Edders3 years ago

Hi I really liked your post I have a degree in literature and my major is linguistics and literature. You describe very well the types of poems and your goals are clear, to make everyone approach poetry and narrative. One recommendation I give to people who are starting to write is not to stress about following the rules of metrics, the first thing is to let all your creativity flow in the transmission of feelings. Hence, as you rightly point out, poetry is a way of channeling our feelings, allowing us to externalize what sometimes with a normal conversation we do not do, it is to search in the deepest part of our being that which makes us alive again. Writing and creating poems and stories connects us and awakens us to a world of incredible possibilities. I work with both children and creative writing, which is a bit like what you say, even with children who have problems controlling their emotions, poetry is a vehicle that allows them to channel their own temperament and transmit what bothers them, what makes them happy, what makes them feel fear or frustration. It is wonderful to see a child express with his words in a story or tale something that has happened to him at school or with friends and then share it with you. In our writings, even if we use fictitious characters and places that are only found in our imagination, there is always a lot of ourselves because it is our life put on paper.


Oh wow, I am happy to know about it. I am too far beyond my degree but soon . Planning to enroll for E.L.T hopefully by this year. I just love the way you responded because I am feeling at ease that finally someone here is really expert and can relate to my post. I would love to learn from you as well. Thanks again @emimoron